Applied Design Program

Courses I have taught, developed, and created in higher education beginning in the Fall 2010

2011 to 2014

Program Coordinator of Interior Design:

The appointment responsibilities include: 

Courses I have taught or presently teaching:

*Course Curriculum I developed and/or designed for LMS

2015 5 year Program Review  (2009-2014)

2020 5 year Program Review  (2015 - 2020)  to be approved in 2021, (2016-2021) approved in 2022 May BOG

Advising and Course Development Pedegogy (open with carrot on the right)

My advising has developed over the last five years.  From 2010 to 2013 I had students who primarily intended to complete a 2 + 2 with Pierpont and Fairmont State.  When the agreement dissolved I experienced an added element to my advising practices.  Students were seeking direction for not only education at a two-year school but also what options are there for continuing education in design.

Advising students also involve a time to build relationships that will benefit both the student, the course instructor, and a future employer.  My students know that they have many forms of communication with me to assist them in any way to complete their degree.  I also encourage them for extended conversations that identify the student's intent on employment.

I have come to realize the vital importance of the advisor to the student.  This is a top priority in my goals for my professional practice.  The past three years I email my students that appear on my upcoming advising list.  The introductory email includes links online for instructions about registration, new course information, and dates to attend group orientations.

Created Program Site on Google Education Sites App:

While our institution has been rigorously working towards separation from the shared services with Fairmont State University (FSU) our program recognized the need to maintain consistency in communication and reassurance of stability to our students during these major changes and expansion to the institution.  I created a site on Google Education Apps as a Learning Commons with Applied Design Program Information.

2 + 2 Articulation with WVU Davis College, Design Studies Program:

In the fall of 2012, our program was informed of the discontinuation of the 2+2 agreement with the School of Education at Fairmont State University.  This agreement with Family & Consumer Sciences Program in the School of Education had been strong and proven with high enrollments plus retention.  Due to the separation mentioned above the majority of 2+2 agreements were dissolved.  Though we regret the end of this option for our students this strengthened our resolve in working on establishing an agreement with West Virginia University's Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design in the Design Studies Program. The agreement between our two institutions reflects one of the known pillars of the importance of the community college's relationship to our universities.

New Program Courses by R.Beach from 2013 - 2016: 

Course description:  

This course establishes the value of design thinking, identifies the components of the design thinking process, and helps students develop proficiency by using the design thinking process in multiple contexts. Topics will include components of design thinking, including solution-based thinking, analysis versus synthesis, divergent thinking versus convergent thinking, and design thinking as a process for problem-solving.   

APPD 2200 Design Thinking - Course Outline

Outcome Competencies / Student Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to 

1. Identify the value and components of the design thinking process

2. Discuss and defend the value of design thinking as a critical component of all forward-thinking organizations

3. Demonstrate design thinking as a process for problem-solving

4. Practice solution-based thinking, analysis versus synthesis, divergent thinking versus convergent thinking in a variety of case studies

5. Apply design thinking in an interdisciplinary project that demonstrates the process across multiple disciplines