15th meeting, 24th August 2022, Swansea University


Sofia Imperatore, University of Florence

Dante Kalise, Imperial College London

Estefanía Loayza-Romero, University of Münster

Angelos Mantzaflaris, Inria Sophia Antipolis-Méditerranée, Côte d’Azur University


August 24, 2022


In person at the Department of Mathematics, Swansea University, Bay Campus, CF003.

Local organiser:

Nelly Villamizar, Swansea University

Registration :

If you wish to attend the meeting, please register by sending an e-mail 📬 to Nelly Villamizar (n.y.villamizar@swansea.ac.u).


13:00-13:40 Estefanía Loayza-Romero

13:40-14:20 Sofia Imperatore

14:20-14:30 Tea and biscuits ☕ 🍪

14:30-15:10 Dante Kalise

15:10-15:50 Angelos Mantzaflaris


The meeting is partially funded by EPSRC-New Investigator Award EP/V012835/1, and the Alliance Hubert Curien Programme. Funding by the London Mathematical Society is available to support the travel costs of Research Students and Early Career Researchers, and by the Glasgow Mathematical Journal Trust and the Edinburgh Mathematical Society for those Research Students or Early Career Researchers who study or work in Scotland and want to join the meeting in Swansea (if you are interested in seeking support, please email Dimitra Kosta at D.Kosta@ed.ac.uk if you are based in Scotland and Emilie Dufresne at emilie.dufresne@york.ac.uk otherwise).

Visitor information:

The talks will be in room CF003 in the Computational Foundry building at Swansea University Bay Campus. Here is the Bay Campus map [pdf], the Computational Foundry is building No. 10 in p.3. Refreshments will be served near the entrance of the room. Bus 10 from the Railway station, or 8 from the Swansea Bus Station, will take you to the University bay campus in about 20 minutes.

Abstracts collection:

Estefanía Loayza-Romero, University of Münster 13:00 - 13:40

Title: The Complete Manifold of Planar Triangular Meshes

Abstract: In this talk, we will consider two-dimensional shapes represented by triangular meshes of a given connectivity. We will show that the collection of admissible configurations representable by such meshes forms a smooth manifold. For this manifold of planar triangular meshes we propose a geodesically complete Riemannian metric. It is a distinguishing feature of this metric that it preserves the mesh connectivity and prevents the mesh from degrading along geodesic curves. We will detail a symplectic numerical integrator for the geodesic equation in its Hamiltonian formulation. We will end with some numerical experiments which show that the proposed metric keeps the cell aspect ratios bounded away from zero and thus avoids mesh degradation along arbitrarily long geodesic curves.

Sofia Imperatore, University of Florence 13:40 - 14:20

Title: Data-driven methods for spline model design

Abstract: Free-form data fitting plays an important role in Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD) and Geometric Modelling. In particular, spline weighted least square approximations are ubiquitous in applications when trying to reconstruct an unknown function from its observations.

In this talk, we address two pre-processing steps necessary to fit a given point cloud with splines. Firstly, we discuss the computation of suitable point parameterization providing a data-driven strategy in order to improve the model accuracy. Subsequently, we discuss the role of weight functions both to express weighted spline least squares approximations as a convex combination of spline interpolates, and to reduce the computational cost of the fitting procedure.

Dante Kalise, Imperial College London 14:30 - 15:10

Title: Optimal actuator design for vibration control

Abstract: We present an approach to optimal actuator design for vibration control based on shape and topology optimisation techniques. Given a PDE governing the vibration dynamics, we determine the best actuator shape/location for a given initial condition or a set of initial conditions not exceeding a chosen norm. We compute shape and topological sensitivities of the corresponding cost functionals. A numerical realization of the optimality condition is developed for the actuator shape using a level-set method for topological derivatives. A numerical example illustrating the design of actuator for the Euler-Bernoulli beam model is provided.

Angelos Mantzaflaris, Côte d’Azur University 15:10 - 15:50

Title: Explicit resultant matrices for families of structured polynomial systems

Abstract: Generalized resultants characterize the roots of a polynomial system, similarly to the classical Sylvester resultant of two univariate polynomials. However, the problem of finding determinantal (ie. square and free of extraneous factors) matrices for the multivariate resultant does not have a general solution. In fact such formulas are known only for certain shapes of the Newton polytopes of the equations. In this talk we give an overview of different known constructions and we focus on a method that employs the Weyman complex, that can be used to obtain determinantal formulations for the multivariate resultant of structured systems, that is, systems of polynomial equations with a Newton polytopes of special shape. We also show how these matrices can be applied for the numerical computation of the roots of a polynomial system, as well as for solving the multiparameter eigenvalue problem.

Angelos Mantzaflaris, Beihui Yuan, Dante Kalise, Nelly Villamizar, Sofia Imperatore, Estefanía Loayza-Romero, Sam Gue.

Swansea, August 24, 2022