11th meeting, 15th December 2020,

University of York (Online)

Invited Speakers

Yue Ren, Swansea University

Ximena Fernandez, Swansea University


15 December 2020


Department of Mathematics, University of York, on Remo and Zoom (details will be sent to the AAG mailing list)

Local organiser

Emilie Dufresne, University of York


  • 13:30-14:00 Welcome (on Remo)

  • 14:00-14:45 Ximena Fernandez: Geometric and Topological Inference for Data Analysis (on Zoom)

  • 14:45-15:15 Break (on Remo)

  • 15:15-16:00 Yue Ren: Tropical varieties of neural networks (on Zoom)

Titles and Abstracts

Ximena Fernandez: Geometric and Topological Inference for Data Analysis.

Abstract: In this talk we approach the problem of learning information about a geometric object from a finite set of (possibly noisy) sample points drawn respect to some unknown distribution. More concretely, given a smooth manifold and a density that produces the sample, we consider an intrinsic density-based metric, known as the Fermat distance. We construct a computable distance over the sample and prove that this sample metric space is a good estimator of the manifold (in the sense of Gromov-Haussdorf). Finally, we present some applications of this result in topological data analysis, showing how this approach outperforms more standard methods with computational experiments in synthetic and real datasets.

Yue Ren: Tropical varieties of neural networks.

Abstract: In this talk, we introduce tropical varieties arising from neural networks with piecewise linear activations, and discuss how their geometry affects their expressivity. In particular, we will use Weibel's f-Vector Theorem to derive optimal bounds for single-layered maxout networks, and Speyer's f-Vector Theorem to analyse networks with heavily restricted weights. We conclude with an initializing strategy for maxout networks based on our results.



We are grateful for the financial support from the Glasgow Mathematical Journal Learning and Research Support Fund, from the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, the London Mathematical Society.