The Most Reverend Pedro Pablo Hernández-Ruiz
This Holy Man of God (The Most Reverend Pedro Pablo Hernandez-Ruiz) was appointed by the College of Bishops of the Old Anglo-Catholic Movement of the United States as Archbishop Elect Primate to succeed the current Primate His Excellency Leonardo Marín Saavedra in the year 2024.
Este Santo Varón de Dios (Reverendísimo Pedro Pablo Hernández-Ruiz) fue nombrado por el Colegio de Obispos del Antiguo Movimiento Anglocatólico de los Estados Unidos como Arzobispo Electo Primado para suceder en el año 2024 al actual Primado Su Excelencia Leonardo Marín Saavedra.
(Pope Leo X - Arthur Albert Chamber . Arthur David Seeland - Leonardo Marin-Saavedra)
Apostolic Succession of the Archbishop Leonardo Marin-Saavedra
This Church was established in America as a continent (1975) basing its foundation and organization on traditionalist Missionaries Monks Of Saint Lawrence, Anglo Catholics Bishops from England (England Tradition), originating from the Old Anglo Catholic Movement 1515 and Continuing Anglican Movement 1972 and visitors to the city of Bogota (Madrid and Mosquera) Cundinamarca, Republic of Colombia (South America).
The Apostolic Succession of the the Old Anglo Catholic Movement 1515 through of the Latin-American Anglican Church 1975 was formally incorporated by letters patent on December 17, 1975 and on June 15, 2003, with a Dominion of Three Independents Anglo-Catholics Christian Religious Organizations and Three historic christian denominations Churches.
Charter 1: Anglican Rite - Charter 2: Byzantine Rite and Charter 3: Orthodox Rite.
Last Update Register Federeal United States Government: August 2019
Last Update Register California State: August 2019).
IAL Episcopal Apostolic Succession
IAL-MAAC Episcopal Sucesión Apostólica
Our Ancestral Apostolic Succession
We inherited the Apostolic Succession from 1515 Directly from Pope Leo X
1. Bishops of Jerusalem; 2. Bishops from Saint David of Wales;
3. Bishops of Rome; 4. Bishops of Ephesus;
5. Bishops of Lyons; 6. Bishops of Canterbury;
7. Bishops in The United States; 8. Bishops from Albert Arthur Chambers.
Archbishop Arthur David Seeland (The Holy Catholic Church Anglican Rite),
Bishop Juan de Dios Correa-Salazar (The Holy Hispanic Church Byzantine Rite),
and Archbishop Jorge Enrique Rodriguez-Villa (The Old Catholic Church Orthodox Rite).
(Pope Leo X - Arthur Albert Chamber . Arthur David Seeland - Leonardo Marin-Saavedra)
IAL-OACM Episcopal Apostolic Succession
(Pope Leo X - Arthur Albert Chambers - Arthur David Seeland - Leonardo Marin-Saavedra)
IAL-MAAC Episcopal Sucesión Apostólica
1. DOREN, Charles Dale David Chambers; Pagtakhan; Pae (Consent); Boynton (Consent), 28 January 1978.-
002. MOTE, James Orin Chambers, Pagtakhan, 001, 28 January, 1978.
003. MORSE, Robert Sherwood Chambers, Pagtakhan, 001, 28 January 1978.
004. WATTERSON, Peter Francis Chambers, Pagtakhan, 001. 28 January 1978.
005. BURNS, William Francis, 001, 002, Chambers (Consent). 11 November 1978.
006. LEWIS, William Oliver, 001, 002, 005. 26 May 1979.
- 007. KNUTTI, Frank Russell, 001, 002, 005, 006. 12 January 1980.
008. RUTHERFORD, Wm. de J. 001, 002, 005, 006, 007. 8 March 1980.
009. HARVEY, Robert Condit, 002, 005, 006, 008. 19 April 1980.
010. FALK, Louis Wahl, 002, 005, 006, 008. 14 February 1981.
011. RUIZ, Justo Pastor, 002, 005, 007. 17 April, 1982.
012. WILLIAMS, Tillman Beshore, 005, 008, 011. 27 August 1978.
- 013. KLEPPINGER, Thos. Justin, 005 (sub-conditione). 10 April, 1986.
014. STEPHENS, Michael Dean, 002, 008, 010 (sub-conditions). 8 August 1986.
015 CHAMBERLAIN, Bruce S., 002, 006, 010, Woolcock. 18 October 1986.
016. DEYMAN, Joseph Philip, 006, 010, Woolcock. 9 January 1988.
017. WILLARS, Richard Cecil, 002, 005, 010, 011, 013, 014, 016, Woolcock, Pae. 30 January 1988.
- 018 CONNORS, Robin Bradley, 002, 005, 010, 011, 013, 014, 016, Woolcock, Pae. 30 January 1988.
019. RODRIGUEZ-Molina, Ruben, 002, 017, 018. 13 March 1988.
020. CAHOON, John Thayer, Jr., 002, 003, Woolcock (received in Orders from APCK, 1989). 25 January 1986.
021. PRICE, Alistair Edwin, 002, 006, 008, 013, 014, 016, Gramley. 25 January 1992.
- 022. McNELEY, James Richard, 002, 006, 008, 013, 014, 016, Gramley. 25 January 1992.
023. HAMLETT, Leslie, 002, 006, 013, 014, 016, 022. 1 August 1992.
024. BROMLEY, James Edward, 002, 006, 013, 014, 016, 022. 6 May 1993.
025. SEELAND, Arthur David, 002, 006, 013, 014, 016, 022. 6 May 1993. - (Died 2009);
026. MARIN-Saavedra Leonardo, Huntington Beach, California, United States. 15 June 2003. - (Still living) ...;
The Most Rev Leonardo Marin-Saavedra
No married bishop in our Church can consecrate a new bishop. Only single bishops without biological children are authorized to consecrate a new bishop. Jesus of Nazareth never married, it is our faith and truth. If a married bishop presides over the consecration of another bishop it is a scam and the episcopal consecration as such should not be admitted as valid.
Ningún obispo casado en nuestra Iglesia puede consagrar un nuevo obispo. Solo los obispos solteros sin hijos biológicos están autorizados para consagrar un nuevo obispo. Jesús de Nazaret nunca se casó, es nuestra fe y verdad. Si un obispo casado preside la consagración de otro obispo, es una estafa y la consagración episcopal como tal no debe admitirse como válida.
1st (First) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 027. TRAMBEY Gilles -Married. - (Ratification) –
Canadian Citizen - In 2005. Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
2nd (Second) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 028. MORNEAU Gaston -Married. –Canadian Citizen - In 2005.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
3rd (Third) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 029. LEONE Patrick -Married. – Canadian Citizen- In 2005.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
4th (Fourth) Bishop consecrated by IAL US/Canada:
- 030. ROJAS-González Omar -Married – Colombian Citizen - In 2006.
London, Ontario, Canada (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
5th (Fifth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 031. SEAVER Brian Xavier -Married. –USA Citizen - In 2006.
London, Ontario, Canada (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
6th (Sixth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 032. CAMACHO Ramon Antonio -Married. (Ratification) –Mexican Citizen. In 2007.
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
7th (Seventh) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 033. PEREZ-Benitez Jorge -Married. –Mexican Citizen - In 2007.
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. (Died 2016)
8th (Eighth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 034. PEREZ-Gonzalez Jorge -Married. –Mexican Citizen - In 2007.
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
9th (Ninth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 035. PACHON-Alvarez Alonso -Married. –Colombian Citizen - In 2007.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
10th (Tenth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 036. HURTUBISE Roger Alexandre -Married. –Canadian Citizen. In 2007.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
11th Eleventh Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 037. ALBORNOZ-Cano Enrique Jose -Married. – Venezuelan Citizen - In 2008.
Ojeda city, Zulia, Venezuela (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
12th (Twelfth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 038. BERTIS-Vargas Alexis Jose - Married. –Venezuelan Citizen - In 2008.
Ojeda city, Zulia, Venezuela (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
13th (Thirteenth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 039. SIU-Garcia Jon Jen in 2008 -Married. –Venezuelan Citizen - In 2008.
Ojeda, Zulia, Venezuela (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
14th (Fourteenth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 040. GOMEZ-Pillco Sabino -Married –Peruvian Citizen - In 2008.
Cusco city, Peru South America (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
15th (Fifteenth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 041. HARO-Carranza Orli Mesias -Married – Ecuatorian Citizen - In 2008.
Cusco city, Peru, South America (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
16th Sixteenth Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 042. LARA-Velasco Luis Bolivar -Married. –Ecuatorian Citizen - In 2008.
Cusco, Peru, South America (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
17th (Seventeenth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 043. SOTRES-Cervantes German Fernando -Married. –Mexican Citizen - In 2008.
Mexico City, Mexico (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
18th (Eighteenth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 044. DAVILA-Alvarado Alonso -Single. – Colombian Citizen - In 2009.
Houston city, Texas, United States (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States delivered an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(There is no ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(No Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
19th (Nineteenth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 045. MUNOZ-Mujica Rodolfo Jose -Married. -Mexican Citizen - In 2011.
Celaya city, Guanajuato, Mexico (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
20th (Twentieth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 046. SALAS-Becerra Tito Jose -Married. (Ratification) –Venezuelan Citizen -
In 2011. Caracas, Venezuela, South America (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
21st Twenty-First) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 047. JURADO-Farfán Jylman Red -Married. –Venezuelan Citizen - In 2012.
Caracas, Venezuela, South America (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
22nd (Twenty-Second) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 048. RIVERO Carlos Alfredo -Married. –Venezuelan Citizen. In 2012.
Caracas, Venezuela, South America (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
23rd (Twenty-Third) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 049. GARCIA-Mozo Norberto -Married –Venezuelan Citizen. In 2012.
Caracas, Venezuela, South America (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
24th (Twenty-Fourth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 050. RONDON Luis Alberto -Widower–Venezuelan Citizen. In 2012.
Caracas city, Venezuela, South America (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States delivered an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(There is no ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(No Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
25th (Twenty-Fifth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 051. CARDONA-Patiño Alberto -Married –Colombian Citizen - In 2014.
Humble City, Texas, United States (Died 2015)
26th (Twenty-Sixth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 052. GERONIMO-Santos Rolando -Married –Europen Citizen - In 2014.
Brussels city, Belgium, Europe (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States delivered an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(There is no ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(No Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
27th (Twenty-Seventh) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 053. CAGICAL-Velayos Eduardo -Married. –Spain Citizen- In 2014.
Santander, Spain, Europe. (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
28th (Twenty-Eighth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 054. LAL Mohan -Widower –India Citizen- In 2014.
London city, England, UK (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States delivered an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(There is no ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(No Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
29th (Twenty-Ninth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 055. GOMEZ-Juan Carlos -Married. - Colombian citizen - In 2014.
London city, England, UK - (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
30th (Thirtieth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 056. PIEDRAHITA-Escobar Alberto -Single. – Colombian and Canadian Citizen - In 2015.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Died 2021).
31st (Thirty-First) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 057. ALBERTO-Jiménez José Margarito -Married. - Mexican Citizen - In 2016.
Celaya city, Guanajuato, Mexico (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
32nd (Thirty-Second) First Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 058. JINETTE-Zárate Alvaro Emerson -Married. - Colombian and US citizens-
In 2017. Franklin Park City, Illinois, United States - (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
33rd (Thirty-Third) First Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
- 059. BARRIOS-Barrios Nelson Armando -Married. - Colombian Citizen - In 2017 -
San Jacinto city, Bolivar Republica de Colombia, South America - (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
34th (Thirty-Fourth) First Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-060. VERNAZA-Franco John Henry -Married - Colombian Citizen - In 2017.
San Jacinto city, Bolivar, Republica de Colombia, South America - (Still living)
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
35th (Thirty-Fifth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-061. TREJO Jose -Married (Ratification) - Mexican Citizen - In 2017.
Palmdale City, California, United States - (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
36th (Thirty-Sixth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-062. RAMIREZ Miguel Angel -Merried (Ratification) - Mexican Citizen - In 2017.
Mexico City, D. F., Mexico - (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
37th (Thirty-Seventh) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-063. GEARA Marwan -Single - Lebanese Citizen. - In 2019.
Houston Texas, United States - (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
38th (Thirty-Eighth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-064. HERNANDEZ-González Francisco -Single. (Ratification) - Mexican Citizen - In 2019.
Mexico City, D. F., Mexico (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States delivered an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(There is no ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(No Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
39th (Thirty-Nineth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-065. ROMERO Cristian Gerardo. -Married. - Argentinean Citizen - in 2019 -
Fortaleza city, Ceara, Brazil - (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
40th (Fortieth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-066. GOMES Paulo Cesar. -Single. (Ratification) - Brazilian Citizen - In 2019 -
Fortaleza city, Ceara, Brazil - (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
41st (Fortieth-First) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-066. DE FARIA Jose Fernando. - Married. (Ratification) - Brazilian Citizen - In 2019 -
Fortaleza city, Ceara, Brazil - (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
42nd (Fortieth-Second) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-067. PEREIRA-Bessa Antonio Jose. – Married - Brazilian Citizen - In 2019 -
Fortaleza city, Ceara, Brazil - (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
43rd (Fortieth- Third) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-068. RAMOS-Martinez Fernado David. – Married - Ecuatorian Citizen - In 2019 -
Guayaquil city, Ecuador, Guayas Province, South America - (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
44th (Fortieth-Fourth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-069. SANZ-Bascuñana Enrique -Married. (Ratification) - Spain Citizen - In 2020 -
Madrid city, Spain, Europe - (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
45th (Fortieth-Fifth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-070. MORRA Dean -Single. (Ratification) - Canadian Citizen - In 2020 -
Toronto city, Canada, North America - (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States delivered an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(There is no ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(No Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
46th (Fortieth-Sixth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-071. PACHON-Arias Luis Alberto -Single. (Ratification) - Colombian Citizen - In 2020 -
Bogota city, Cundinamarca, Colombia, South America - (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States delivered an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(There is no ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(No Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
47th (Fortieth-Seventh) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-072. SANCHEZ-Prieto Jorge -Single. - Mexican Citizen - In 2021 -
Mexico City, Mexico, North America - (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States delivered an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(There is no ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(No Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
48th (Fortieth-Eighth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-073. VELASQUEZ-Chavez Alberto Nicolas -Married. - Peruvian Citizen - In 2021 -
Mexico City, Mexico, North America - (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
49th (Fortieth-Nineth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-074. MATOGO-Mondomo Generoso Maria -Single. - Spain and Equatorial Guinean Citizen -
In 2021 - Mexico City, Mexico, North America - (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
50th (Fifty) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-075. NAVA-Munoz Salvador Manuel -Single. - Mexican Citizen - In 2021 -
Mexico City, Mexico, North America - (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States delivered an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(There is no ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(No Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
51st (Fifty-First) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-076. PEREZ-Gonzalez Hugo Raymundo -Single. - Mexican Citizen - In 2021 -
Mexico City, Mexico, North America - (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States delivered an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(There is no ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(No Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
52nd (Fifty-Second) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-076. Robert Michael Rodriguez. - Single - US Citizen - In 2021 -
Brea City, California, United States (North America) - (Still alive).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States delivered an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(There is no ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(No Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
53rd (Fifty-Third) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-077. William Gilbert Jones - Single. - US Citizen - In 2021 -
Brea City, California, United States (North America) - (Still alive).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States delivered an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(There is no ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(No Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
54th (Fifty-Fourth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-078. MEJIA-Vargas Vladimir -Widower. - Colombian Citizen - In 2022 -
Armenia City, Quindio, Colombia, South America - (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States delivered an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(There is no ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(No Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
55th (Fifty-Fifth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-079. JARAMILLO Alcides de Jesus (Ratification). -Single. - Colombian Citizen - In 2022 -
Medellin City, Colombia, Antioquia, Sur America America - (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States did not deliver an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(He has an ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos no entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
56th (Fifty-Sixth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-080. REYES-Reyes Yainier -Single. - Cuban Citizen - In 2023 -
Portoviejo City, Manabi, Ecuador, South America - (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States delivered an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(There is no ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(No Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
57th (Fifty-Seventh) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-081. MORENO-Carranza Jose -Widower. - USA Citizen - In 2023 -
Houston City, Texas, United States, North America - (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States delivered an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(There is no ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(No Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
58th (Fifty-Eighth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-082. RONDON Luis Alberto -Widower. - Venezuelan Citizen - In 2023 -
Caracas City, Distrito Capital, Venezuela, South America (Ratification)- (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States delivered an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(There is no ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(No Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
59th (Fifty-Ninth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-083. HERNANDEZ-Ruiz Pedro Pablo -Married. - Venezuelan Citizen - In 2023 -
Caracas City, Distrito Capital, Venezuela, South America (Ratification)- (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States delivered an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(There is no ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(No Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
60th (Sixtieth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:
-084. FARIA-Guerra Elio Elauterio -Married. - Venezuelan Citizen - In 2023 -
Piritu City, Anzoategui, Venezuela, South America (Ratification)- (Still living).
The IAL-OACM College of Bishops of the United States delivered an Episcopal Bull to consecrate new Bishops
(There is no ecclesiastical impediment to consecrate New Bishops).
El Colegio IAL-MAAC de Obispos de Estados Unidos entregó una Bula Episcopal para consagrar nuevos Obispos
(No Tiene impedimento eclesiástico para consagrar Nuevos Obispos).
Brother Leonardo Marin Saavedra's Brief History:
His Excellency Leonardo Marin-Saavedra was born in the municipality of Puerto Nare, Department of Antioquia, Republic of Colombia (South America) on December 17 (1955). He was baptized by the Roman Rite by the presbyter Carlos Arturo Duque-Ramirez, on January 8 (1956), in the Parish San Luis Beltrán of Puerto Nare (Antioquia), and registered by his parents civilly in the Mayor's Office of Floridablanca, Department of Santander, Republic of Colombia on August 30 (1956). He was confirmed by the Roman Rite in the city of Madrid on August 7, 1970. Legitimate son of Francisco Antonio Marín-Aguilar (Marún-Morón), and Zoraida Saavedra-Silva. Maternal Grandparents: Luis Felipe Saavedra-Rodríguez and Maria de la Cruz Silva-Rueda. Paternal Grandparents: Francisco Antonio Marin (Marún)-Morón and María Alejandrina Aguilar-Moros. His biological parents contracted holy marriage for the Roman Rite on 25 December (1948), in the Parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of the city of Barrancabermeja, Department of Santander, Republic of Colombia. Occupation religious ceremony priest José Arango-Uribe (SJ). They were godparents of the wedding: Juan de Dios Rueda-Silva and Sara Saavedra.Silva.
When the man of God Leonardo reached his 20th birthday, he made vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and gave his life to Christ by entering the Missionary Order of the Anglican Missionaries Monks of San Lawrence (1975). He was ordained Deacon on August 7 (1987), and Priest on December 8 (1988), in the city of Bogotá, the Capital of the Republic of Colombia. On July 21 (1997), in the city of Medellín, Department of Antioquia, Colombia, Bishop Juan Bautista García-Germain from Puerto Rico and Delegate for the Anglican Church in America (ACA) on its faith a 'Sub Conditional' Priestly Ordination to officially incorporate it into the Anglican Continent Movement of the Americas and support its mission for the Christian world. His Excellency was consecrated as Bishop on June 15, 2003, in Huntington Beach city, California, United States of North America. On December 17 (2004), in the city of London, England (UK), His Excellency Leonardo was nominated for Archbishop dignity by the Independent Anglican Communion of Europe. On July 21 (2005), in New York City (NY), United States, he was elevated in a private ceremony as Anglo-Catholic Primate Archbishop by the Orthodox Anglican Communion of the United States, England, and Canada.
Your marital status: Single forever (celibate). If he falls in love and God sends him a woman as his wife-mate, His Beatitude of him can break the vows of chastity and marry. The civil status of celibacy in any branch of Anglicanism is optional and is not for life. Every man or woman has the right to fully develop their own sexuality freely without consulting a perverse Sanhedrin inquisitor. Brother Leonardo Marin-Saavedra has a Degree in Philosophy, a Bachelor of Theology, a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish and Literature, a Doctor of Philosophy, a Doctor of Theology, a Doctor of Divinity, a Degree in Drama, and a Doctor of Business Administration. He has a Degree in Communications and Computer Technology. I have worked as a teacher at all levels including the university for more than 25 consecutive years. His Excellency de él is Spanish Writer and Classic Dramatist in civil life.
The Most Rev Leonardo Marin-Saavedra
No married bishop in our Church can consecrate a new bishop. Only single bishops without biological children are authorized to consecrate a new bishop. Jesus of Nazareth never married, it is our faith and truth. If a married bishop presides over the consecration of another bishop it is a scam and the episcopal consecration as such should not be admitted as valid.
Ningún obispo casado en nuestra Iglesia puede consagrar un nuevo obispo. Solo los obispos solteros sin hijos biológicos están autorizados para consagrar un nuevo obispo. Jesús de Nazaret nunca se casó, es nuestra fe y verdad. Si un obispo casado preside la consagración de otro obispo, es una estafa y la consagración episcopal como tal no debe admitirse como válida.
The Most Reverend Pedro Pablo Hernández-Ruiz
This Holy Man of God (The Most Reverend Pedro Pablo Hernandez-Ruiz) was appointed by the College of Bishops of the Old Anglo-Catholic Movement of the United States as Archbishop Elect Primate to succeed the current Primate His Excellency Leonardo Marín Saavedra in the year 2024.
Este Santo Varón de Dios (Reverendísimo Pedro Pablo Hernández-Ruiz) fue nombrado por el Colegio de Obispos del Antiguo Movimiento Anglocatólico de los Estados Unidos como Arzobispo Electo Primado para suceder en el año 2024 al actual Primado Su Excelencia Leonardo Marín Saavedra.
The Most Reverend Pedro Pablo Hernández-Ruiz
This Holy Man of God (The Most Reverend Pedro Pablo Hernandez-Ruiz) was appointed by the College of Bishops of the Old Anglo-Catholic Movement of the United States as Archbishop Elect Primate to succeed the current Primate His Excellency Leonardo Marín Saavedra in the year 2024.
Este Santo Varón de Dios (Reverendísimo Pedro Pablo Hernández-Ruiz) fue nombrado por el Colegio de Obispos del Antiguo Movimiento Anglocatólico de los Estados Unidos como Arzobispo Electo Primado para suceder en el año 2024 al actual Primado Su Excelencia Leonardo Marín Saavedra.