Call for Papers and Presentations

Aim and Scope 

The Asia-Pacific Workshop on Mixed and Augmented Reality (APMAR) is a platform that fosters research and collaboration in the field of mixed reality across the Asian/Oceanic region. The primary goal of this workshop is to create opportunities for researchers and practitioners to share and exchange their latest research findings and practical experiences in an informal and engaging atmosphere. 

APMAR offers two presentation options to participants: "Regular Paper" and "Pitch Your Work Presentation".These options provide a diverse range of opportunities for researchers to showcase their work and engage in constructive discussions with other experts in the field.

Regular Paper

We are soliciting for "Regular Papers" in the following sub-fields of MR/AR but not limited to:

Regular paper includes long paper more than 4 pages (excluding references) and short paper with 1-4 pages (excluding references). Both full and short papers must be in English and should be formatted to use the uniform CEURART style for the papers (the 2-column style). The CEURART styles for this submission can be found in

The accepted regular paper will be published in Open-Access Proceedings for Computer Science Workshops (CEUR Workshop Proceedings).

Pitch Your Work Presentation 

While brand-new work is mostly welcome, we also would like to emphasize that one is encouraged to submit previously published work, on-going work, late breaking results, and work to be presented elsewhere. Such works "Pitch Your Work Presentation" will not be published externally through the workshop. This way, more updated and significant work can be shared and be reiterated. In this case, APMAR will just provide a paper list with the abstracts and the links to already published papers (IEEE and ACM DLs, online journals, arXiv, etc.) to the participants. 

Important Dates