Continuous monitoring mode was intended more as an additional mode to configure the device, but for an experienced beekeeper, it may become the main thing in his/her practical daily work with bees. This mode allows you not only to properly set up the microphone preamplification to get crisp, clearly visible signal, for which the highs and lows in all important ranges are clearly visible. It also makes it easy to read the value of what is happening on the screen. Using a columnar spectral diagram, it is easy to assess the situation in the hive at a glance - whether the ventilation is good and whether or not the hive entrance blocks should be opened up a little, whether bees are calm or agitated, and whether there is forage. Coloring of the columns with high energy in yellow and red colors, allowing, like a marker, to indicate the frequency at which the intensity signal peak is. If you "flip" the page and switch to the mode of signal display in the form of a sonogram, it is possible to observe the main trends of signals for the last 50 seconds. Those same yellow and red columns draw the line here, telling about the continuity of this process in time. Even strong, but short-term interferences are not able to eliminate this trend completely. One look of the beekeeper, who understands the meaning of these acoustic signals and frequencies is sufficient to understand the state of the bees in the hive.

Therefore, this mode is for the daily operational control of bee colonies by an experienced, knowledgeable beekeeper. It is a fast, easy and vivid way to assess the status of colonies. The time spent on control by this method is minimal and amounts to 10-15 seconds per colony. For easy control, the results of both charts are displayed to fit an entire screen.

First of all, when you start to work with the hive, adjust the microphone gain in order to see all the peaks and highs from blue to red. With microphone gain, (use the rotary control with the toggle "MIC", switched to ON ) you can choose the most suitable signal amplification to draw a clear picture of the signals. This is needed for further work using all modes of the device. Normally, it is needed to choose the desired gain, for each bee family. But practically, you don't needed to change it, if you see good signals of the bees in this beehive. This adjustments are made in Monitoring mode, which is the "default" mode, when you are starting your work with device, and between measurements, if any other mode is not selected.


Sonogram shows the same features of the bee colony’s state as a bar chart, but allows you to monitor the status in the long-term monitoring mode. Formed clear lines indicate trend status despite the interference of any force and duration. With microphone gain, you can choose the most suitable signal amplification to draw a clear picture of the signal spectrum. The closer the line to red, the higher the peak amplitude at a given frequency. Blue background means the minimum signal level, which is close to zero.