Address Verification API Authentication

Address verification API authentication helps you ensure that the data you enter into your system is correct. Apart from validating the address, the service checks the other details entered as well. This prevents spam from entering your database. It can also check the accuracy of the addresses that you have already registered. It does this by analyzing the address against standard postal services data.

To use an address verification API, you must first authenticate your account with the service provider. To do this, you need to use a token. The token is a unique alphanumeric code that can be obtained from the Self Service Portal under Licenses. In addition, you must specify the URLs that can be used for address capture. Otherwise, you might end up with an invalid token.

The address verification API will return a detailed output if the address is valid. However, if the address is invalid, the result will be ambiguous. If the address is valid, the result will contain the dpv_match_code. If there is an error, the user must fix the error.

For address verification, API authentication can help you authenticate the user's email address. You can also use a test key to simulate the API's responses. For example, if you want to test a new batch, you can use a test key. Using this test key will enable you to see how the API responds to a batch of emails.