
Registration | आवेदन

👉 New Registration: Alumni Directory (नि:शुल्क)       

👉Event Registration: Punarmilan 2024

🔎 Find Your Batchmates

Alumni Meet 2024 Registration Fees (Rs. 1100 /- ) can be deposited  via Internet Banking using below bank details

Bank A/C No : 35755198117           IFSC Code : SBIN0007260

Alumni Polytechnic College Society Bikaner

Or by UPI : 9414300373@SBI

Click Here for QR Code 

Note:- Please also send the receipt with your name and batch to gpcbalumni@gmail.com email ID.

IMPORTANT dates | महत्वपूर्ण तिथियाँ

त्रयोदश: एलुमनाई मीट — पुनर्मिलन 2024 24-02-2024

स्मारिका हेतु स्वरचित रचनाएँ देने की अंतिम तिथि 20-02-2024

सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम हेतु प्रविष्टियों की अंतिम तिथि 22-02-2024

Invitation card | निमंत्रण पत्र 

Send Your Confirmation regarding attending the "पुनर्मिलन 2024" to gpcb.alumni@gmail.com

with the subject  titled "Confirmation: Your Batch Year, No of Family Members Coming"

Appeal to alumni | पूर्व विद्यार्थियों से आग्रह

1️⃣ This year we are celebrating Jubilee

Golden Jubilee : 1974 Pass-out Batch (50 Years)

Silver Jubilee : 1999 Pass-out Batch (25 Years)

Crystal Jubilee : 2009 Pass-out Batch (15 Years)

Ruby Jubilee : 1984 Pass-out Batch (40 Years)

Participants from all jubilee batches are requested to finalize their visit plan ASAP so that society can get the final count for further arrangements. Kindly inform us by 👉Event Registration: Punarmilan 2024

2️⃣ Provide photos of your college time with colleagues and your family members for printing in our souvenir magazine पुनर्मिलन-2024. Use the above Event Registration URL or send us via email at gpcb.alumni@gmail.com

3️⃣ Provide original article/poem/any creation of yours to be published in souvenir till 20.02.2024

4️⃣  Check your registration details on our website gpcbalumni.com.  Register yourself in our alumni directory database (if not registered yet). In case of any corrections let us know by email. 

5️⃣ This program belongs to all of us. If alumni, spouses, or their kids want to take part in the cultural event to perform anything they are requested to provide their entry on or before 20.02.2024.

6️⃣ This program is financially managed by the contribution of alumni donors, registration fees, and sponsorships. Advertisements of sponsors can be in the form of souvenirs, flex, or digital displays. You are also requested to motivate and fetch some sponsors or donors for our program.

7️⃣ You are also requested to share your thoughts and new Ideas to make this year's program a memorable one. Local Jubilee candidates are requested to attend college meetings for better execution of our planning.

Note: The email ID for sending photos/souvenir-related material/ cultural event entries is gpcbalumni@gmail.com

Anurag Nagar | President 

Prashant Joshi | Secretary

Alumni Polytechnic College Society, Bikaner