Step 1: 2x2x3

Build a 2x2x3 on the left at dl. The recommended way is:

There are other ways to build the 2x2x3. However, it has been found that starting with a 1x2x3 block is the easiest way for most scrambles.

Step 2: Pair

Solve the pair that belongs at the back right. This is a simple step that can be performed intuitively. To make this step even faster, algorithms can be learned. Follow the link below for the algorithm list created by Liam Highducheck.

Pair Algorithms 

In high level speedsolving, it may be possible to incorporate the pair into the 2x2x3 blockbuilding.

Step 3: Edge Orientation

Orient the remaining six edges. There are only 11 cases, so algorithms can be learned. Because there are so few cases, the algorithms can be easily recalled and quickly executed. Recognition for this step is also easy. While completing the first step, track the edge that belongs at FR. Then it is only necessary to check for U/D stickers on the remaining edges.

Edge Orientation Algorithms

Step 4: Last Extended Slot (LXS)

Solve the last three pieces of the F2L using a single algorithm. This means you will solve the DFR corner and the FR and DR edges (dfR). The set is 116 algorithms. In the algorithm sheets below the algorithms are organized by the location and orientation of the corner. More specifically the D layer sticker of that corner.

For beginners, when you have an LXS case that you don't yet know, first insert the DR edge intuitively. If it is on the U layer, move it to the UF position and do R' U' R U R. If the edge is at the FR position, do R' U' R' U R. Then solve the last F2L pair intuitively.

LXS Algorithms

Liam Highducheck has created a learning guide for LXS. Check it out below.

LXS Learning Guide

Step 5: Last Layer

Solve the last layer using ZBLL, OCLL + PLL, or any desired method.

Summary, Suggestions, and More

Liam Highducheck has created a video that goes over each step of the method as well as the benefits. Check it out below.

Liam has also created a tutorial video that helps users get started.

Alternate Edge Orientation and LXS

For the initial pair after the 2x2x3, it is possible to solve the front pair instead. Then use edge orientation algorithms for that pair type and the LXS algorithms for the extended slot in the back. The edge orientation algorithms are included in the main document and the alternate LXS algorithms are provided below.

LXS (dbR) Algorithms