Other Expansion Ideas

Will the future of APB be advanced combining of EO and the pair formation? Techniques such as EO and setting up the corner when the edge is in certain positions or EOPair when the pair is a move or two away from being formed. We will see. It will likely be worth analyzing when it is best to do EO and the pair in different orders. Pair then EOPair, Pair then EO, EO then pair, Pair then EO+DR edge. In some cases it may be easier and or more efficient to do an option other than always creating a pair then using an EOPair algorithm.

EOPair Thoughts

It is an average of 2 moves to correctly connect the corner and edge then have a twisted LXS. Then to correctly or incorrectly connect the corner and edge, the average is just 1 move. The F2L would then be completed using what Ryan Hudgens (OreKehStrah) termed Fake LXS (FLXS) and twisted FLXS.

But by using the symmetry and intersection of the U and R layers, it may be possible to solve the EOPair step without first forming a pair and with a manageable number of algorithms. The corner can be within the UL, UR, or DR line. At UL or DR, an AUF or ARF can be used before the algorithm to solve the corner and edge while orienting all other edges. If the corner is within the UR line, either AUF or ARF are possible and would allow for choice. The corner has three possible orientations. The edge for the pair has just seven possible positions with its two orientations. These observations greatly reduce the number of required algorithms down from the immediate appearance that the corner would have six possible positions causing a large number of cases.

Corner in UL line

Corner in DR line

Corner in UR line

Possible edge positions

CDRLL + L5EP Variant

Another idea is to solve the last pair after EOPair then finish with CDRLL and L5EP. This isn't recommended since it's not as suitable for speedsolving. But it is an option. After EOPair solve the opposite side pair. Then finish with CDRLL and L5EP. Versus BR edge > EOLE > DCAL, APB's EOPair > Pair is more ergonomic, the same number of moves, and fewer algorithms. Another great benefit is that CDRLL + L5EP works for both 2x2x3 on the left and 2x2x3 on the back. If 2x2x3 on the back is used with BR edge > EOLE > DCAL, the algorithms for DCAL aren't good due to the restriction of having the E slice edges solved, combined with the fact that the two D layer corners are on the front. But in APB the ergonomics are much better and the movecount is even lower than having the 2x2x3 on the left. So you can choose to use block on left for slightly better ergonomics or block on back for slightly lower movecount.

Block on left steps:

Step 1: 2x2x3 on the left.

Step 2: Create the pair that belongs in the back (dBR).

Step 3: Use the EOPair algorithms to insert the pair while orienting all remaining edges.

Step 4: Solve the pair that belongs in the front (dFR).

Step 5: CDRLL.

Step 6: L5EP.

Block on back steps:

Step 1: 2x2x3 on the back.

Step 2: Create the pair that belongs on the left (dFL).

Step 3: Use the EOPair algorithms to insert the pair while orienting all remaining edges.

Step 4: Solve the pair that belongs on the right (dFR).

Step 5: CDFLL.

Step 6: L5EP.

Application to Other Methods

APB can also be applied to other methods such as ZZ, LEOR, and some of the CP first methods. In ZZ EOLine users can use a similar strategy for the right side block. In the first step you create a pair and keep it on the U layer. Then use a single algorithm to insert the pair while solving the remaining three pieces. Below are the algorithms for when the front pair (dFR) has been created:

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