
University of Arizona, Instructor:

Summer 2024: Math 313 (Introduction to Linear Algebra)

Spring 2024: Math 415B / 515B (Second Course in Abstract Algebra)

Fall 2023: Math 415A / 515A (Introduction to Abstract Algebra)

Spring 2023: Math 447 / 547 (Combinatorial Mathematics)

Fall 2022: Math 243 (Discrete Mathematics), Math 413 / 513 (Linear Algebra)

Spring 2022: Math 313 (Introduction to Linear Algebra)

Fall 2021: Math 122B (First-Semester Calculus)

University at Buffalo, Instructor: 

Spring 2021: MTH 141 (College Calculus I)

University at Buffalo, Teaching Assistant:

Fall 2020: MTH 309 (Introduction to Linear Algebra)

Fall 2019: MTH 309 (Introduction to Linear Algebra)

Summer 2019: MTH 309 (Introduction to Linear Algebra)

Spring 2019: MTH 309 (Introduction to Linear Algebra),  MTH 311 (Introduction to Higher Mathematics)  

Fall 2018: MTH 309 (Introduction to Linear Algebra), MTH 141  (College Calculus I)

Summer 2018: MTH 309 (Introduction to Linear Algebra)

Spring 2018: MTH 309 (Introduction to Linear Algebra)

Fall 2017: MTH 309 (Introduction to Linear Algebra)

Spring 2017: MTH 141 (College Calculus I), MTH 122 (Survey of Calculus and its Applications II)

Fall 2016: MTH 141 (College Calculus I), MTH 122 (Survey of Calculus and its Applications II)

Spring 2016: MTH 122 (Survey of Calculus and its Applications II)