AO workshop week

30th March - 3rd April 2020

Porto, Portugal


This is the second version of the successful OPTICON workshop week held in Durham in March 2018 ( which gathered 80+ researchers, engineers and students.

By gathering a large range of experts in telescope instrumentation, we hope to cover topics ranging from computer-assisted design of astronomical adaptive-optics systems to the post-processing of their observations passing through the on-sky calibration and real-time performance optimisation. We are willing to get contributions pertaining both to the announced and planned 3rd generation instruments for the existing 10m-class telescopes (VLT, Keck, Subaru, Gemini, …) and the next generation of Giant Segmented Mirror Telescopes (ELT, TMT, GMT). Bench experiments and pathfinders are particularly welcome.

Workshops are arguably the greatest venues for extended scientific and technical discussions between pairs. Following the very positive feedback of the AO community, the opportunity to hold back-to-back workshops on several inter-connected topics made for a unique, interdisciplinary format that was welcome by many participants.

Under the auspices of OPTICON which fosters facility enhancements and community sustainability, we organise a week full of workshops in the beautiful city of Porto from the 30th of March through the 3rd of April 2020.

Programme topics

  1. Post-processing and pipelines
  2. Turbulence profiling
  3. Wave-front sensing & calibration
  4. Wave-front reconstruction and control
  5. Soft and Hard Real-time control & algorithms
  6. Pathfinders: demonstrations in the lab and on-sky

Schedule (tentative)

Important dates

1st November 2019 | Registration opens

30th January 2020 | Deadline for abstract submission

1st of March 2020 | Final programme

15th of March 2020 | Registration closes

<font color="red"> 11th of March 2020 | Workshop postponed due to the pandemic outbreak</font>

Note that we have limited spaces (around 100) so registration might close before.

Code of Conduct

This event will follow the ESO Code of Conduct. Please contact any LOC member if violations are to be reported.


Scientific Organising Committee

Antonin Bouchez

Benoit Neichel

Carlos Correia (Chair)

Caroline Kulcsar

Damien Gratadour

Eric Gendron

Gerard Rousset

Iciar Montilla

James Osborn

Jean-Luc Beuzit

Jean-Pierre Veran

Jessica Lu

Michele Cirasuolo

Robert Harris

Simone Esposito

Thierry Fusco

Tim Morris

Valentina Viotto

Local Organising Committee

Mercedes Filho

Paulo Garcia (Chair)

Sandra Costa
