
My teaching philosophy is to demystify complex subjects and make them accessible and engaging for a broad audience. It is built on four pillars: innovation, generation of social impact, integration of research insights, and enhancement of students' employability.

I have extensive experience teaching undergraduate and graduate courses primarily focused on analytics, mathematics and AI, catering to a diverse array of disciplines. This multidisciplinary journey has shaped my teaching philosophy: to demystify complex subjects and make them accessible and engaging for a broad audience.  With the proliferation of ChatGPT and other Large Language Models (LLMs), I recognized the imperative need to prepare UNSW graduates for responsible and informed engagement with AI technologies, which led me to create the innovative course "AI Fluency". In this course I demystify AI for students from varied backgrounds, enabling them to effectively engage with AI tools and concepts, and furnishing them with the tools to navigate and leverage AI in the dynamic modern workforce. I also address the ethical dimensions of AI, cultivating their critical thinking and instilling a sense of responsibility towards the use of technology.

Teaching experience


Classification (Multivariate Analysis II, Masters in Statistics, Universidade Pedagógica of Maputo)
