CSCE 629-700 Analysis of Algorithms (Online Course)

Instructor: Prof. Anxiao (Andrew) Jiang. Email: 

Time and Location: Since 629-700 is an online coure, it does not have a specific class meeting time. However, for the convenience of course organization, we will assume that the class has two lectures every week: one on Tuesday and the other on Thursday, throughout the Fall 2023 Semester.



Office Hours:

Dr. Jiang's office hour: 

TA's office hours: 

Textbook: Introduction to Algorithms (4th Edition), by Thomas Cormen, Charles Leiserson, Ronald Rivest and Clifford Stein.

Grading and Requirements:

The final grade is based on homework and min-projects. Homework: 50%. Mini-projects: 50%.

Submission Policy: An electronic copy of each homework or mini-project should be submitted in No late homework/project submission will be accepted.

By default, all work is solo; no collaboration allowed unless stated otherwise. Searching for solutions to homework/project problems from external resources (e.g., search online) is strictly forbidden. 

Lecture schedule: 

8/22/2023 (Tuesday):   

8/24/2023 (Thursday): 

8/29/2023 (Tuesday): 

8/31/2023 (Thursday): 

9/5/2023 (Tuesday): 

9/7/2023 (Thursday):  

9/12/2023 (Tuesday):  

9/14/2023 (Thursday): 

9/19/2023 (Tuesday): 

9/21/2023 (Thursday):  

9/26/2023 (Tuesday):  

9/28/2023 (Thursday): 

10/3/2023 (Tuesday): 

10/5/2023 (Thursday):  

10/10/2023 (Tuesday): Fall break. No class.

10/12/2023 (Thursday):  

10/17/2023 (Tuesday):  

10/19/2023 (Thursday): 

10/24/2023 (Tuesday): 

10/26/2023 (Thursday): 

10/31/2023 (Tuesday):  

11/2/2023 (Thursday): 

11/7/2023 (Tuesday): 

11/9/2023 (Thursday): 

11/14/2023 (Tuesday):  

11/16/2023 (Thursday): 

11/21/2023 (Tuesday):  

11/23/2023 (Thursday): Thanksgiving holiday. No class.

11/28/2023 (Tuesday): 

11/30/2023 (Thursday): 

All related lectures: 

Homework and Projects:


Statement: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact Disability Services, currently located in the Disability Services building at the Student Services at White Creek complex on west campus or call 979-845-1637. For additional information, visit

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