Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Tweet Sheet: Page 9


.@Earthjustice @NRDC @350 @MarkRuffalo @TheEllenShow @TheDailyShow @MarkRuffalo Who ever feels insulted by this image deserves it. It only means the message has hit HOME! #ProtectTheArctic #OpPolarBear #ProtectANWR #ArcticDrilling


.@SenatorCollins @UN4Indigenous @IntlCrimCourt The end of year was a time to celebrate. This year it's the eve of disaster. Stop #USA from committing environmental crimes! #ProtectTheArctic #ProtectIndigenousPeople #OpPolarBear #ProtectANWR


.@eni When #GREED precedes healthy & intelligent thinking, the earth and all its creatures pay the price. #ProtectTheArctic #OpPolarBear @SenatorCollins @UN4Indigenous @IntlCrimCourt #ProtectANWR #ArcticDrilling @MarkRuffalo @maddow @TheEllenShow


.@UN4Indigenous @UNHumanRights @UNDP @eni @SenatorCollins @350 @MarkRuffalo "Save us from unintelligent people playing Presidents and decision makers" Its time to take them down #Protest #ProtectTheArctic #OpPolarBear #ProtectANWR #ArcticDrilling


.@CaucusOnClimate @350 @MarkRuffalo @maddow @EleRhinoMarch "Save us from unintelligent people playing Presidents and decision makers" It's time to take them down #Protest #ProtectTheArctic #OpPolarBear #ProtectANWR #ArcticDrilling


.@UN4Indigenous @UNHumanRights @UNDP @eni @SenatorCollins Citizens of #Earth climate change has no borders, no countries. What might be legal doesn't make it right! Stand up and help us to #ProtectTheArctic #OpPolarBear #ProtectANWR #ArcticDrilling


.@eni @350 @MarkRuffalo There are no winners in opening the Arctic Refuge for drilling. Just LOSERS - who else than a loser would even think about this insane idea #Protest #Resist #ProtectTheArctic #OpPolarBear #ProtectANWR #ArcticDrilling


.@350 @eni @SenatorCollins Drilling in Arctic is a #Genocide of the eco-system, wildlife and indigenous people! We shall not be silent! #NeverAgain #ProtectTheArctic #OpPolarBear #ProtectANWR #ArcticDrilling


.@350 @eni We have no respect for people who are oppressing our earth and its inhabitants. The Government of USA is using the Indigenous peoples lands to fill their own pockets #ProtectTheArctic #OpPolarBear #ProtectANWR #ArcticDrilling


.@Trade_EU @GermanyDiplo @francediplo_EN @350 @eni When other countries are committing crimes against the humanity we apply trade sanctions, do the right thing #ProtectTheArctic #OpPolarBear #ProtectANWR #ArcticDrilling


.@SenatorCollins @350 @eni You can't protect the land with thoughtless decisions - You can ONLY protect it by standing up for what's right, moral and ethical. #ProtectTheArctic #OpPolarBear #ProtectANWR #ArcticDrilling


.@cnni @350 @eni This is the end result of the Arctic Drilling - Rather dead than suffering in Captivity #ProtectTheArctic #OpPolarBear #ProtectANWR #ArcticDrilling


.@lisamurkowski can you show the written former informed consent of the Gwitchin people? ILO-169 @UN4Indigenous #ProtectTheArctic @SenatorCollins @maddow @CaucusOnClimate #ProtectANWR #ArcticDrilling @350 @MarkRuffalo @EleRhinoMarch


.@CaucusOnClimate Remove attempts to drill #ANWR in final #TaxBill. Environmental terrorism has no place in “tax reform.” #ProtectANWR


.@CaucusOnClimate Remove attempts to drill #ANWR in final #TaxBill. Environmental rape & terrorism have no place in US & “tax reform.” #ProtectANWR #ArcticDrilling


.@CaucusOnClimate @lisamurkowski -> "This provides an excellent opportunity for our committee to raise $1 billion in federal revenues..." So. Raise $1 billion by destroying #ANWR and give the $$ to people already with billions? Makes sense. #GOPFail #ProtectANWR #ArcticDrilling