
Please TWEET THESE https://sites.google.com/view/anwr/home to .@CaucusOnClimate re: #ANWR. They are protesting #drilling in the #arctic and need our help. #ProtectANWR #ArcticDrilling


If you are retweeting articles on #drillinginthearctic, please use the quote tweet function and address it to: .@CaucusOnClimate and use the hashtags #ProtectANWR and #ArcticDrilling


.@CaucusOnClimate @RepPoliquin @chelliepingree @SenatorCollins @SenAngusKing This disaster of a bill needs to be stopped. If you can't, LIMIT IT TO TAXES; remove all lang regarding #ACA and #ANWR drilling PLEASE RT. #ProtectANWR #ArcticDrilling


If you want to help stop #drilling in the #arctic, please TWEET THESE https://sites.google.com/view/anwr/home to @CaucusOnClimate which is objecting to the drilling. Use the hashtags #ProtectANWR and #ArcticDrilling


.@CaucusOnClimate @lisamurkowski don't allow millions of nesting birds, & 200+ of America's species, be exterminated! Do not drill #ANWR! Birds all over use Alaska; it may be a state apart but #ANWR was set aside by USA. WE BOUGHT THAT. Don't touch! #ProtectANWR #ArcticDrilling


.@350 @MarkRuffalo No drilling in #ANWR. Put the money into alternative energy and mobility projects. Do we have to destroy every last spot of unspoiled nature on our planet? Alaska Wildlife Refuge Targeted for Drilling by Tax Plan http://on.natgeo.com/2iDxMhZ via @NatGeo


.@CaucusOnClimate @SenatorCollins No drilling in #ANWR. Invest resources in alternative energy projects. Do we have to destroy every last spot of unspoiled nature on our planet? #ANWR Targeted for Drilling by Tax Plan http://on.natgeo.com/2iDxMhZ via @NatGeo #ProtectANWR


.@350 @SenatorCollins For those of you that sit down to do your taxes and think, "Man, I wish we could extract oil from a federally-protected wildlife refuge." Congratulations! http://bit.ly/2isy4bo #ProtectANWR #ArcticDrilling


@SenatorCollins #Trump courting GOP votes by promising to drill #ANWR! Not worth destroying beautiful preserved land! #ProtectANWR #ArcticDrilling https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-arctic-goodall/jane-goodall-urges-u-s-senate-to-halt-quest-for-arctic-refuge-oil-idUSKBN1DE33A


Drilling in #ANWR does not make economic or environmental sense. #KeepItPublic https://buff.ly/2A9cw7J - Thx @EnergyDems @350 @SenatorCollins


.@CaucusOnClimate Please don't put our beautiful arctic wilderness in danger. #ProtectANWR #ArcticDrilling @SenatorCollins @350 PLEASE TWEET: https://sites.google.com/view/anwr/home


.@CaucusOnClimate We shouldn't put Arctic wilderness and Native rights at risk by allowing drilling in #ANWR. #ProtectANWR #ArcticDrilling https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/29/climate/anwr-alaska-drilling-senate.html


.@350 @NRDC @Earthjustice @SierraClub Please TWEET THESE https://sites.google.com/view/anwr/home to @CaucusOnClimate and @SenatorCollins re: #ANWR. #ProtectANWR #ArcticDrilling