
Some big art projects with several simple doodles and sketches from me in my downtime.

Title: Smoking Can Kill poster

Media: Pencil, Paper, Colored Pencil.

Size: 18 x 24 in

Color: Black, White, Grey, (Slit bit of Brown, Red, and Yellow)

Time: 5 weeks

Note: In our school, we had to create a poster on a specific topic of our choice. So I had chose the topic of smoking being bad for you. So me and a friend worked on making this poster, though most of the designs came from me.

Title: Just a Regular Pepsi Can

Media: Pencil, Paper, Colored Pencil

Size: 8.5 x 11 in

Color: Black, White, Blue, Red

Time: 2 weeks

Note: Just a regular Pepsi can. I had to create a colored part as well as a black and white part, so I drew this good drink. 

Title: My Name in Cool Font

Media: Paper, Pencil, Colored Pencil

Size: 8.5 x 11 in

Color: Various different colors including Red, Blue, Black, Orange, Yellow, Green, etc.

Time: Little over a week

Note: This was actually a cover for a class folder. I believe that I actually added a bit extra to this, but I will need to find this piece again. 

Title: My Dear Sweet Mother

Media: Pencil and Paper

Size: 8.5 x 11 in

Color: Black, White

Time: Over a Month

Notes:  A picture of my dear mother. I was honestly very nervous to do this one since I'm not the greatest with faces, but I loved the way this one came out. Love you Mom! 

Some Other Random Doodles and Drawing that I have done in the Past that aren't named