About Myself


The Artist: Me

Hello world! My name is Antonio Rodriguez and I am proud to say that I am a dedicated artist. I had attended Maryvale High School, in which I am primarily studying in the world of various artistic media's, including drawing, painting, mixed media, graphic design, and animation.

Artistic Media

While my origins started with simple drawings, such as in pencil and paper works, I have been experimented with various other media's, which included my main media choice, scratchboards. Some other art forms that I have worked with for a bit includes charcoal and pasteles.

Personal Art Connection

Growing up, I have always lived in a artistic family. My love for art truly came form my own father, Alberto Rodriguez, who is a professional artist, tattooist, and animator. On top of learning from my dad, we as a family often traveled to the various art districts in Phoenix and attended a variety of art shows. All of this exposure has inspired me to pursue this career path. 

Art to me is my own form of therapy. It's one of my way that I can relax and create whatever I want.


[Maryvale High School] to [Arizona State University]