Collaborators and colleagues

I consider that research is a collaborative enterprise and, as such, I take it very seriously to keep active, enriching and cordial relations with colleagues of different countries. Here I present a non exhaustive list of the people and groups with which I collaborate actively, in no particular order:

Zaragoza, Grupo Sylex, specially José Luis Mendívil and Mamen Horno

Centre de Lingüística Teòrica, specially Jaume Mateu, Teresa Cabré

Retem, specially Elena Felíu, David Serrano Dolader

MorBo Group, specially Sergio Scalise, Francesca Masini

Rafael Marín

María J. Arche

Mike Putnam

In Tromsø, I generally collaborate with Gillian Ramchand, Peter Svenonius, Martin Krämer, Jason Rothman, Laura Janda and Jorge González Alonso.