Las categorías funcionales. Editorial Síntesis 2020 (ISBN 9788491714644), 268 páginas. [Enlace version pre-publicación]

Morphologically derived adjectives in Spanish. John Benjamins Publishing Company 2020 (ISBN 9789027260338) 377 páginas. Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics (IHLL)(30) [Pdf of the prepublication version]

(with Mike Putnam)

Passives and middles in Mainland Scandinavia: microvariation through exponency. De Gruyter Mouton 2020 (ISBN 9783110633719) 240 páginas. (link to the prepublication version)  

 Some articles

Cómo ser un adverbio siendo un sustantivo sin ser una preposición. Revista española de lingüística 2020 ;Volumen 50.(2), pp. 21-48

Las lecturas distributivas de la preposición 'a'. Ogigia. Revista Electrónica de Estudios Hispánicos 2020 ;Volumen 27, pp. 143-168

Los verbos adimensionales: propiedades y consecuencias. Revue Romane 2020 ;Volum 55.(1) s. 1-33

On Spanish Dvandva and its restrictions. En Complex words. Cambridge University Press 2020 ISBN 9781108780643. pp. 100-116


Review of 'Mixed categories: The morphosyntax of noun modification'. Language 2020 ;Volumen 96.(4), pp. 951-957


The syntax and semantics of degree expressions in Spanish. Borealis. An International Journal of Hispanic Linguistics 2020 ;Volumen 9.(2) pp. 1-112


Una nota sobre la marca '-d' del imperativo plural. Quintú Quimün 2020 ;Volumen 4. pp. 1-24


Una nota sobre los adjetivos de preferencia. Verba. Anuario Galego de Filoloxia 2020 ;Volumen 47. pp. 341-355

(con Teresa Cabré) Ways of being a dative across Romance varieties. I: Dative constructions in Romance and beyond. Language Science Press 2020 ISBN 978-3-96110-250-1. s. 395-411


(con Raquel González Rodríguez) On inhibited eventualities. Natural language & linguistic theory 2020 ;Volum 38. s. 729-773 (preprint of the final published version here)


(con Martin Krämer) Why prefixes (almost) never participate in vowel harmony. Evolutionary Linguistic Theory (ELT) 2020 ;Volum 2.(1) s. 84-111 [prepublication version accessible here]


(con Rafael Marín) Datives and stativity in psych predicates. I: Dative constructions in Romance and beyond. Language Science Press 2020 ISBN 978-3-96110-250-1. s. 221-238

(con Rafael Marín) Initiators, states and passives in Spanish psych verbs. I: Beyond emotions in language. John Benjamins Publishing Company 2020 ISBN 9789027207531. s. 113-139

(con Rafael Marín) The internal structure of perfective adjectives: states and blocking. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 2020 ;Volum 13.(2) s. 331-360

(con Martina Penke) Word storage and computation. I: Word Knowledge and Word Usage: A Cross-disciplinary Guide to the Mental Lexicon. De Gruyter Mouton 2020 ISBN 9783110517484. s. 455-505