
Last update: January 2024

Monographic work


Aloisi A. & De Stefano V. (2022), “Your Boss is an Algorithm. Artificial Intelligence, Platform Work and Labour”, Hart Publishing (ISBN 9781509953189)

o   Reviews: Dasgupta P. (2023), British Journal of Industrial Relations; Bernicchia-Freeman Z. (2023), Osgoode Hall Law Journal; Novitz T. (forthcoming), Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal

o   Media coverage: New York Review of Books, The Wall Street Journal, ZD,, Wired, Le Monde

o   Translations: Italian (Laterza Editori), Korean (RedSalt Books), Greek (Crete UP), Japanese (Horinouchi)


Main publications


Aloisi A. (2024), “Regulating algorithmic management at work in the EU: data protection, non-discrimination and collective rights”, International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 40(1), 37-70

 Aloisi A., Countouris N. & Rainone S. (2023), “An unfinished task? Matching the proposed Platform Work Directive with the EU and international social acquis”, ILO Working Paper 101 (Geneva, ILO)

Aloisi A. (2023), “J.K. v TP S.A. and the ‘universal’ scope of EU anti-discrimination law at work: A paradigm shift?”, Industrial Law Journal, dwad025,

Aloisi A. & De Stefano V. (2023), “Between risk mitigation and labour rights enforcement: assessing the transatlantic race to govern AI-driven decision-making through a comparative lens”, European Labour Law Journal, 14(2), 283-307

Aloisi A. & Potocka-Sionek N. (2022), “De-gigging the labour market? An analysis of the ‘algorithmic management’ provisions in the proposed Platform Work Directive”, Italian Labour Law e-Journal, 15(1), 29-50

-   (2024), “Désuberiser le marché du travail? Une analyse des dispositions relatives à la ‘gestion algorithmique’ prévues dans la proposition de directive européenne sur le travail via une plateforme” in Daugareilh I., La plateformisation du travail: nouvelle forme d’emploi, nouvelle forme d’organisation?, Bruylant, 481-504

-   (2022), “¿Des-plataformizando el mercado de trabajo? Un análisis de las disposiciones sobre ‘gestión algorítmica’ de la propuesta de Directiva de la UE sobre el trabajo en plataformas”, Revista Jurídica del Trabajo, 3(9), 1-39

Aloisi A. & De Stefano V. (2022), “Essential jobs, remote work and digital surveillance. Addressing the Covid19 pandemic panopticon”, International Labour Review, 161(2), 289-314

-   (2022), “Activités essentielles, télétravail et surveillance numérique: l’effet panoptique de la pandémie”, Revue Internationale du Travail, 161(2), 323-351

-   (2022), “Actividades esenciales, trabajo a distancia y vigilancia digital. Estrategias para hacer frente al panóptico de la pandemia de COVID-19”, Revista Internacional del Trabajo, 141(2), 321-349

Aloisi A. (2022), “Platform work in the European Union: Lessons learned, legal developments and challenges ahead”, European Labour Law Journal, 13(1), 4-29

Aloisi A. (2021), “Demystifying flexibility, exposing the algorithmic boss: A note on the first Italian case classifying a (food-delivery) platform worker as an employee”, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, Dispatch

Rainone S. and Aloisi A. (2021), “Time to deliver? Assessing the Action Plan on the European Pillar of Social Rights”, Policy Brief 2021.08, Brussels, ETUI

Potocka-Sionek N. & Aloisi A. (2021), “Festina Lente: the ILO and EU agendas on the digital transformation of work”, International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 37(1), 35-64

Aloisi A. (2020), “‘Time Is Running Out’. The Yodel order and its implications for platform work in the EU”, Italian Labour Law e-Journal, 13(2), 67-87

 Aloisi A. (2020), “A fascinating chapter in the ‘gig’ saga: How to deliver decent work to platform workers in Italy?”, Mutual Learning Programme, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Union

Aloisi A. & De Stefano V. (2020), “Regulation and the future of work. The employment relationship as an ‘innovation facilitator’”, International Labour Review, 159(1), 47-69

-   (2020), “Réglementation et avenir du travail: la relation de travail facilite l’innovation”, Revue internationale du Travail, 159(1), 53-77

-   (2020), “La reglamentación y el futuro del trabajo. La relación de trabajo como factor de innovación”, Revista Internacional del Trabajo, 139(1), 51-74

 Aloisi A. & Gramano E. (2019), “Artificial intelligence is watching you at work. Digital surveillance, employee monitoring and regulatory issues in the EU context”, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 41(1), 95-121

Aloisi A. (2019), “‘A worker is a worker is a worker’. Collective bargaining and platform work, the case of Deliveroo couriers”, International Labor Rights Case Law, 5(1), 23-40

De Stefano V. & Aloisi A. (2018), “European legal framework for digital labour platform”, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, JRC112243.

Aloisi A. (2018), “‘With great power comes virtual freedom’. A review of the first Italian case holding that (food-delivery) platform workers are not employees”, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, Dispatch

 Cherry M.A. & Aloisi A. (2017), “‘Dependent contractors’ in the gig economy – a comparative approach”, American University Law Review, 66(3), 635-689

Aloisi A. (2016), “Commoditized workers. Case study research on labor law issues arising from a set of ‘on-demand/gig economy’ platforms”, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 37(3), 653-690


Book chapters in edited volumes


§   Forthcoming


Aloisi A. & Cherry M.A. (forthcoming), “Tertium non datur: Intermediate employment categories” in Davidov G., Langille B. & Lester G. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Law of Work, Oxford University Press

Aloisi A. & Potocka-Sionek N. (forthcoming), “Algorithmic management beyond food delivery labour platforms: the spillover effect” in Rainone S. & Vandaele K. (eds.), The Elgar Companion to Regulating Platform Work: Insights from the Food Delivery Sector, Edward Elgar Publishing

 Aloisi A. & Ribeiro A. T. (forthcoming), “Framework Agreement on Digitalisation” in Hiessl C. (ed.), EU Labour Law, Wolters Kluwer


§   Published


 Aloisi A. (2023), “Boss ex machina: employer powers in workplaces governed by algorithms and artificial intelligence” in Lo Faro A. (ed.), New technology and labour law. Selected topics, Giappichelli, 15-34

-   (2023), “Algoritmos e inteligencia artificial en el entorno laboral” in Montero Pascual J. J. (ed.), Digitalización y Derecho, Curso de Derecho digital, Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch, 377-408

-   (2023), “Από μηχανής αφεντικό: Οι εργοδοτικές εξουσίες στους χώρους εργασίας που διευθύνονται από αλγορίθμους και τεχνητή νοημοσύνη”, Greek Labour Law Journal, 820(6), 621-644

 Aloisi A. (2022), “Automation, augmentation, autonomy: labour regulation and the technological transformation of managerial prerogatives” in Gyulavári T. & Menegatti E. (eds.), Decent work in the digital age: European and Comparative Perspectives, Hart Publishing, 245-270

Aloisi A. & Gramano E. (2022), “A solution in search of a problem? Collective rights and the antitrust labour exemption in Italy”, in Paul S., McCrystal S. & McGaughey E. (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Labor in Competition Law, Cambridge University Press, 223-238

Rainone S. and Aloisi A. (2021), “The Action Plan on the Pillar of Social Rights: New hopes for social solidarity in post-pandemic Europe?” in EU Law Live 7

Aloisi A. (2020), “Hierarchies without firms? Vertical disintegration, outsourcing and the nature of the platform”, Quaderni del Premio Giorgio Rota 8, 11-32

Aloisi A. & Gramano, E. (2019), “Workers without workplaces and unions without unity. Non-standard forms of employment and collective rights”, in Pulignano V. & Hendrickx F. (Eds.), Employment Relations for the 21st Century, Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations 107, 37-57

De Stefano V. & Aloisi A. (2019), “Fundamental labour rights, platform work and human rights protection of non-standard workers”, in Bellace J.R. & Ter Haar B. (Eds.), Labour, Business and Human Rights Law, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 359-379

Cherry M.A. & Aloisi A. (2019), “A critical examination of a third employment category for on-demand work (in comparative perspective)”, in Davidson N., Finck M. & Infranca J. (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of the Law of the Sharing Economy, Cambridge University Press, 316-327

Aloisi A. & Gramano E. (2018), “The enduring (and capacious) persistence of the standard employment relationship. A flexible approach to subordination”, in Casale G. & Treu T. (Eds.), Transformations of work: challenges for national systems of labour law and social security, Giappichelli, 67-74

Aloisi A. (2018), “The role of European institutions in promoting decent work in the collaborative economy”, in Bruglieri M. (Ed.), Multi-Disciplinary Design of Sharing Services, Springer International Publishing, 161-182


Book review


Aloisi A. (2023), “The Quantified Worker: Law and Technology in the Modern Workplace, by Ifeoma Ajunwa”, International Labour Review


Commissioned reports


1.       “Study exploring the context, challenges, opportunities, and trends in algorithmic management in the workplace” (with Visionary Analytics and Potocka-Sionek N.), awarded by the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion (2022/2023)

2.       “Study on platform work in the European Union. Lessons learned, legal developments and challenges ahead”, commissioned by the European Centre of Expertise (ECE) in the field of Labour Law, Employment and Labour Market Policies (2020/2021)

3.       Peer Review “Platform work”, Peer Reviews and Other Mutual Learning Processes in the Fields of Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, commissioned by the German Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) and focusing on the implementation of the labour conditions of platform workers (2019/2020)

4.       “Study to gather evidence on the working conditions of platform workers” (with CEPS, Eftheia and HIVA), commissioned by the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion (2019)

5.       “Non-standard workers and collective rights: Legal challenges, practical difficulties, and successful responses”, commissioned by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2018)

6.       “Study on employment and working conditions of selected types of platform work” (with CEPS, Efhteia and De Stefano V.), awarded by Eurofound, the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (2018)

7.       “Study on the European legal framework for digital labour platform” (with De Stefano V.), commissioned by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (2017/2018)


Selected working papers


Aloisi A. (2023), “Technology managing the workforce. Qualitative mapping of employees’ experiences in Italy and Spain”

Marcus J.S., Petropoulos G. and Aloisi A. (2022), COVID-19 and the accelerated shift to technology-enabled Work from Home (WFH), Transatlantic Expert Group on the Future of Work (TEG) WP

Rainone S. and Aloisi A. (2021), “Is this time different? Revamping the European social dimension through the Action Plan on the Pillar of Social Rights”

Aloisi A. (2019), “Negotiating the digital transformation of work: non-standard workers’ voice, collective rights and mobilisation practices in the platform economy”, European University Institute WP, MWP 2019/03

Book chapters, papers and case law reviews in other languages


Aloisi A. & Corazza L. (2022), “Tra flessibilità organizzativa e sviluppo sostenibile. Il South Working nella prospettiva giuslavoristica”, in Mirabile M. & Militello E. (Eds.), South Working. Per un futuro sostenibile del lavoro agile in Italia, Donzelli Editore

Adams-Prassl J., Aloisi A., De Stefano V. & Kountouris N. (2020), “La Corte di Giustizia dell’UE prende tempo? L’ordinanza Yodel e le sue (scarse) implicazioni per il lavoro tramite piattaforma”, Rivista Giuridica del Lavoro e della Previdenza Sociale 3, 399-416

Aloisi A. & De Stefano V. (2020), “Máquinas, algoritmos, plataformas digitales: facultades ampliadas y libertades virtuales. Notas sobre el futuro (del derecho) del trabajo”, in Hernández Bejarano M., Rodríguez Piñero Royo M. & Todolí Signes A. (Eds.), Cambiando La Forma De Trabajar Y De Vivir, Tirant Editorial, 23-33

Aloisi A. & De Stefano V. (2020), “Questa non è un’esercitazione. Persone e lavoro ai tempi dell’emergenza sanitaria”, Rivista Il Mulino, 2, 224-231

De Stefano V. & Aloisi A. (2019), “La libertà sindacale e il diritto alla contrattazione collettiva dei lavoratori non standard e dei lavoratori su piattaforma”, Quaderni della Rivista Diritti Lavori Mercati, 6, 147-170

Aloisi A. & De Stefano V. (2018), “La gig-economy: tra nuove forme di potere e libertà virtuali”, Rivista Il Mulino, 4, 588-594

Aloisi A. (2018), “Oltre al danno, la prova dell’intento vessatorio. Il mobbing tra tesi ‘soggettiva’ e complessità dell’azione”, Argomenti di Diritto del Lavoro, 2, 594-607

Aloisi A. (2016), “Il lavoro ‘a chiamata’ e le piattaforme della ‘collaborative economy’: nozioni e tipi legali in cerca di tutele”, Labour Law and Issues, 2(2), 19-37

Aloisi A. (2015), “Licenziamento disciplinare e valutazione circa l’insussistenza del fatto (giuridico) contestato al lavoratore”, Argomenti di Diritto del Lavoro, 3, 725-735

Aloisi A. (2014), “Selezione ed esclusione, in tema di parità di trattamento: è il datore a scegliere con quale sigla sindacale trattare il rinnovo contrattuale?”, Argomenti di Diritto del Lavoro, 2, 425-441


Blog entries

Cefaliello A. & Aloisi A. (2023), “Legal mobilisation and data-driven technologies: a multidimensional and participatory approach (part two)”, IER, May 2023,

Cefaliello A. & Aloisi A. (2023), “Legal mobilisation and data-driven technologies: overthrowing algorithmic power and liberating work (part one)”, IER, May 2023,

Aloisi A. & De Stefano V. (2023), “Generative AI needs more than a light touch”, Social Europe, 25/04/2023,

Aloisi A. & Corazza L. (2022), “‘South working’: the future of remote work”, Social Europe, 29/05/2022,

Aloisi A. & Georgiou D. (2022), “Two steps forward, one step back: the EU’s plans for improving gig working conditions”, Ada Lovelace Institute, 07/04/2022,

De Stefano V., Aloisi A. and Countouris N. (2022), “The Metaverse is a labour issue”, Social Europe, 01/02/2022,

Aloisi A. (2022), “Has Covid-19 increased worker surveillance?”, IE Insights, 10/01/2022,

De Stefano V. & Aloisi A. (2021), “The EU Commission takes the lead in regulating platform work”, Social Europe, 09/12/2021,

De Stefano V. & Aloisi A. (2021), “Artificial intelligence and workers’ rights”, Social Europe, 08/11/2021,

De Stefano V. & Aloisi A. (2021), “Who will be covered by an EU instrument on platform work?”, Social Europe, 21/10/2021,

Aloisi A. & De Stefano V. (2021), “Introducing the Algorithmic Boss”, IE Insights, 20/04/2021,

Aloisi A. & De Stefano V. (2021), “Frankly, my rider, I don’t give a damn”, Rivista il Mulino, 07/01/2021,

Aloisi A. (2020), “Five ideas for the Spanish project on platform work, plus a reminder”, IE LawAhead Blog, 20/11/2020,

Aloisi A. & De Stefano V. (2020), “What a successful winemaker can teach us about the spirit of innovation and the future of work”, IE LawAhead Blog, 05/05/2020,

Aloisi A. (2020), “May you live (and work) in interesting times”, IE LawAhead Blog, 05/03/2020,

Aloisi A. & De Stefano V. (2020), “Delivering employment rights to platform workers”, Rivista il Mulino, 31/01/2020,

Aloisi A. (2019), “At the table, not on the menu: Non-standard workers and collective bargaining in the platform economy”, EUIdeas Blog, 25/06/2019, EUI3wp2019

Aloisi A. (2018), “When law comes to town: the European legal framework for digital labour platforms in the “collaborative economy”, The Max Weber Programme Blog, 25/10/2018,

Aloisi A., De Stefano V. & Silberman S. (2017), “A Manifesto to Reform the Gig Economy”, Pagina99, 29/05/2017,

Cherry M.A. & Aloisi A. (2016), “A Third Employment Category for On-Demand Workers?”, Oxford Business Law Blog, 03/11/2016,