Viruslar mxtlif vasitlrl bir kompterdn digr kompter kemy chd edn, verilnlrin korlanmasna (dyidirilmsi v ya silinmsi) gtirn v ya istifadinin iin mane olan, digr proqramlarda gizlnmi kiik hcmli proqramlardr. Virus zg disketlrdn, e-mail v ya digr nternet resurslarndan istifad ediln zaman thlk yarada bilr, bu zaman lazm olmayan v tanimadnz mktub v resurslar maksimum drcd mhdudiyytl istifad etmniz mslhtdir.

lk antivirus proqramlar 1984-c ild Andi Hopkins trfindn yazlm CHK4BOMB v BOMBSQAD utilitlri hesab olunur. CHK4BOMB yklnn modullar thlil etmy imkan verirdi v btn mtn mlumatlarn v koddak "bhli" yerlri akarlayrd. Sad v smrli olmasna gr CHK4BOMB nmli populyarlq qazand.

Antivirus Proqramlar Ykle


Virus fayllar kompter yalnz icra ediln fayllarla birlikd daxil ola bilr. Mtn sndlri, rsmlr, arxivlr, cdvllr v s. risk obyekti hesab oluna bilmz. Yegan istista bir sra ofis proqramlarndak ssenarilrdir ki, bunlara makrovirus deyilir (makroviruslar hazrda byk thlk tkil etmir, bu, daha ox proqramlarn xtalarndan irli gln problemlrdn qaynaqlanr)[1].

1999-cu ild ilk df dnya miqyasnda virus epidemiyas yaranmd. Melissa virusu on minlrl kompteri yoluxdurmu v 80 milyon dollar ziyan vurmudu. Bu insidentdn sonra dnyada antivirus proqramlara byk tlb yarand. 2000-ci ilin maynda Melissann rekordunu bir ne saat rzind milyonlarla kompteri yoluxdurmu I Love You! virusu tzldi.Praktik olaraq virusla "yoluxdurmaq" mmkn olmayan fayl nv qalmamdr. Artq mobil telefonlar v proqram tminatndan istifad edn digr qurular yoluxduran viruslar da srtl yaylr.

Viruslar mxtlif vasitltl bir kompterdn digr kompter kemy chd edn, verilnlrin korlanmasna (dyidirilmsi v ya silinmsi) gtirn v ya istifadinin iin mane olan, digr proqramlarda gizlnmi kiik hcmli proqramlardr. Virus zg disketlrdn, e-mail v ya digr nternet resurslarndan istifad ediln zaman thlk yarada bilr, bu zaman lazm olmayan v tanimadnz mktub v resurslar maksimum drcd mhdudiyytl istifad etmniz mslhtdir.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence can cover much more ground than a human being. A good antivirus and anti-malware program will tag not just the rudimentary virus but anything within that family of viruses. NGAV learns the modus operandi of a threat and then works out how to protect against it in the future, offering a next-level protection layer.

Independent antivirus labs put macOS antivirus tools to the test, reporting scores that let us know which ones are the most effective. Both AV-Test and AV-Comparatives give Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac a perfect score, and it earned very good scores in my hands-on tests. In the default Autopilot mode, it does its work while keeping user interaction to a minimum.

As with Windows antivirus tools, the most common price is just under $40 per year for a single license. ProtectWorks is unusual in that a single $29.95 payment lets you protect all the Macs in your household with no subscription needed. McAfee goes beyond that with a $64.99 per year subscription that protects all your Macs, PCs, Android, and iOS devices. For $60 per year, Sophos Home Premium lets you install and remotely manage protection on 10 Macs or PCs. At the high end, you pay $99.99 per year for a three-license subscription to Intego Mac Internet Security X9 or Airo Antivirus for Mac.

When you go to select a new washer, refrigerator, or other appliance, chances are good you research it first. User reviews can be helpful if you discard the very best and worst of them. However, actual test results published by an independent lab give you more reliable information. Two large labs include macOS antivirus apps in their testing, but the number of apps in each test varies. When we first rounded up Mac antivirus apps, we only selected those with at least one certification, but at present, many of them don't appear in either lab's test results.

The researchers at AV-Test Institute evaluate Mac antivirus tools on three criteria: protection, performance, and usability. An app can earn up to six points for each. Protection against malware protection is essential, of course. A low impact on performance is also important. A high usability score reflects a small number of false positives, legitimate programs, and valid websites identified as dangerous. In the latest report, all but one of the tested apps achieved a perfect 18 points, all six points for all three criteria.

In the latest macOS malware test by AV-Comparatives, more than half the charted programs scored 100%. This lab, too, included a test using malware aimed at Windows. Yes, these samples can't affect a computer running macOS, but they could conceivably escape to Windows machines on the network. All the apps we follow scored 100% against Windows malware. This lab also runs a test using PUAs (Potentially Unwanted Applications). Most Mac antivirus tools came in at or near 100% against these less virulent annoyances.

Results in macOS-specific tests have a much smaller point spread than tests of Windows antivirus utilities. It's good that many programs in the chart received at least one certification for Mac protection. Even better, some received two certifications. Avast, AVG, Bitdefender, and Trend Micro all received top scores from both labs.

We launch each URL simultaneously in four browsers. One is Safari or Chrome on the Mac, protected by the Mac antivirus that's under test. The other three use the protection built into Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. Discarding any that don't fit the phishing profile and any that don't load correctly in all four browsers, we report the phishing detection rate as well as the difference between its detection rate and that of the other three test systems.

The scourge of ransomware is on the rise. While ransomware attacks are more common on Windows devices, Macs have suffered as well. Of course, any antivirus utility should handle ransomware just as it handles spyware, Trojans, viruses, and other malware types. Since the consequences of missing a ransomware attack are so great, some antivirus utilities add components with the sole purpose of preventing ransomware attacks.

Any kind of malware problem is unpleasant, but spyware may be the most unnerving. Imagine some creeper secretly peeking at you through your Mac's webcam! Other types of spying include logging keystrokes to capture your passwords, sending Trojans to steal your data, and watching your online activities to build a profile. As with ransomware protection, we've observed more features specifically devoted to spyware protection on Windows-based antivirus tools than on the Mac, but a few programs in this collection do pay special attention to spyware.

Many antivirus tools on Windows boast a ton of bonus features, packing in everything from tune-up utilities to VPNs. That behavior seems less common on the macOS side, though Norton includes a VPN with no bandwidth limits. Even so, some vendors don't have a standalone Mac antivirus, opting instead to offer a full security suite as the baseline level of protection, and a few others include suite-like bonus features in the basic antivirus.

There's another angle to the variation in Mac antivirus pricing. How about paying nothing at all? Avast One Essential for Mac, AVG AntiVirus for Mac, and Avira Free Antivirus for Mac are free for personal use. The best commercial antivirus utilities offer more protection, but if you can't afford the best, at least install a free antivirus.

Many of the apps covered in this roundup earned certification from at least one independent testing lab; some managed two certifications. There are no bad choices here as far as basic antivirus protection goes. Even so, a few stand out.

Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac not only achieved lab certification, but it also earned the maximum score on every test. Norton 360 Deluxe for Mac is a full security suite, also has certification from one lab, and its features include a no-limits VPN. These two are our Editors' Choice winners for Mac antivirus protection.

However, these aren't the only choices. Look over our reviews, pick the antivirus that suits you best, and get your Mac protected. Once you've done that, you should also consider installing a Mac VPN. While an antivirus protects you, your devices, and your data locally, a VPN extends that protection to your online activities, protecting both your security and your privacy.

RAT(Remote Administration Tool).

Bu tip proqram tminatlar yoluxdurulmu(Zombi) sistemlrd csus rolunu oynayr v dqiq olaraq dey bilrik ki, yoluxmu sistemi tamamil 1-ci l (daretmni lind saxlayan) xs verir. Yazlan yeni RAT-lar istifadinin ss danqlarna qulaq asa bilir, ekran grnts ala bilir, canl izlm, keylogger-klaviatura il daxil ediln mlumatlar oxuya bilir, zombi sistemd kod icra etmy imkan yaradr v s. ndi bu tip proqram tminat il qar-qarya olduunuzu tsvvr edin. Daxil olduunuz saytlarn ifrlri, bank hesab nmrlriniz, gndrdiyiniz mktublar, Messenger tipli proqramlarla dandlarnz baqa xs trlr. ff782bc1db

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