Updated Data (Last updated on 20/10/2019)

Demographics 個人背景

Political affiliation 政治立場

Motivation 參加原因 *

*Only shows the percentage of respondents who chose "most important". See pdf report for detailed figures. 只顯示選擇「非常重要」的受訪者的比例。詳細數據請見報告。

Social movement experience 社運歷史

Did you participate in the Occupy Central/Umbrella Movement of 2014? 是否有參與過2014年的佔領運動/雨傘運動?

Next steps 後續行動

Views on radicalization 對激進化的看法*

*Only shows the percentage of respondents who chose "strongly agree" and "agree". 只顯示選擇「非常同意」和「同意」的受訪者的比例。

Platforms obtaining information 接收運動資訊平台*

*Only shows the percentage of respondents who chose "always". 只顯示選擇「經常」的受訪者的比例。