Papers & Presentations

This section lists our disability-related research organized by year. We would love to hear your questions and comments.  


Owenz, M.B., Aydemir-Döke, D., & Spencer, B. (2024).  Normalizing abnormal psychology: An anti-ableist approach.  Teaching Psychology

Hyatt, S. & Owenz, M. B. (2024). Using universal design for learning and artificial intelligence to support students with disabilities. College Teaching. 


Aydemir-Döke, D. (2023). Ableist microaggressions. In I. Marini, A.R. Fleming, & M. Bishop (Eds.), The psychological and social aspects of chronic illness and disability (8th ed., pp. 197-214B). Springer.

Aydemir-Doke, D., Owenz. M., & Spencer, D. B. (2023). Being a disabled woman in a global pandemic: A focus group study in the United States along with policy recommendations. Disability and Society, 1-24. DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2023.2225207

Owenz, M. B. & Cruz, L. (2023). Addressing student test anxiety and classroom inequities with alternative assessments. College Teaching. DOI: 10.1080/87567555.2023.2245945


Aydemir-Doke, D., Owen, M., Deichert, D., & Spencer, B. (2022, December 13). Disability and health amidst the COVID crisis: Implications for medical providers​. Disability Consciousness in HealthCare Meeting, Online.

Aydemir-Döke, D., & Herbert, J. T. (2022). Development and validation of the ableist microaggression impact questionnaire. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 66(1), 36–45.

Owenz, M., Spencer, B., Aydemir-Doke, D., & Deichert, D. (2022, November 15). Challenges and opportunities for disabled students during pandemic: A focus group study. National Council on Rehabilitation Education Fall 2022 Conference, Online.


Aydemir-Doke, D., & Spencer, B. (2021, November 29).  Disability in the midst of a global pandemic: A focus group study.  National Council on Rehabilitation Education, Fall 2021 Conference, Online.

Emir Öksüz, E. & Aydemir Döke, D. (2021). Toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri ve engellilik [Gender and disability]. In Ö. Haskan Avcı (Eds.), Toplumsal Cinsiyet: Psikolojik danışma ve rehberlikte güncel konular [Gender: Contemporary issues in counseling and guidance] (2nd ed., pp. 429-456). Nobel Yayın.


Herbert, J. T., Schultz, J. C., Lei, P., & Aydemir-Döke, D. (2018). Effectiveness of a training program to enhance clinical supervision of state vocational rehabilitation personnel. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 62(1), 3–17.


Aydemir Döke, D., & Emir Oksuz, E. (2017). Rehabilitation services in Turkey. In D. A. Harley, N. Ysasi, M. Bishop & A. Fleming (Eds.), Disability and vocational rehabilitation in rural settings. (pp. 399-419). Springer.

Coduti, W. A., Herbert, J. T., Yung-Chen, C., & Aydemir-Döke, D. (2017). College preparation program for high school youth who are blind: the summer academy. The Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 30(3), 269-282.


Atabey-Koca, M., Karanci, A. N., Dirik, G., & Aydemir-Döke, D. (2011). Psychological wellbeing of Turkish university students with physical impairments: An evaluation within the stress vulnerability paradigm. International Journal of Psychology, 46(2) 106-118.