Teaching Philosophy

My idea of a classroom is an interactive learning session with enthusiastic students, where I am not the only person talking for the whole duration of the class. I like a classroom where my students ask questions in the class, participate in classroom problem-solving sessions and challenge my statements. While an interactive, vibrant classroom with adequate participation of the students is important, it is also important to maintain discipline in the classroom. I had to think of practical real-life examples that the students could relate to grasp the subject. In general, my approach to teaching is based on collaborative study and self-learning through assignments. I would focus on application and simulation-based teaching where students can understand and visualize the systems. I gave them assignments where the problem statements would address topics from the academic backgrounds of the students while being designed to test the understanding and application of the basic concepts and to develop the necessary programming skills. My assignments always have penalties for late submissions, and I follow a zero-tolerance policy toward plagiarism (if it carries marks). I also conducted quizzes as a surprise test for the materials covered still in the last class (depending upon requirements).

I consider teaching as a continuous improvement process and hence I constantly seek feedback about my teaching style from my students. To submit your feedback please click here.

Good platforms for self learning

My classes

Fall Semester 2024-2025

Spring Semester 2023-2024

Under Graduate and Graduate

Monsoon Semester 2023-2024


Monsoon Semester 2022-2023


Winter Semester 2022-2023


Summer Semester 2022-2023


Monsoon Semester 2021-2022


Winter Semester 2021-2022



Summer Semester 2021-2022


Monsoon Semester 2020-2021

B.Tech. and Dual Degree

Winter Semester 2020-2021

B.Tech. and Dual Degree

Monsoon Semester 2019-2020

B.Tech. and Dual Degree

Winter Semester 2019-2020

B.Tech. and Dual Degree


Summer Semester 2019-2020

B.Tech. and Dual Degree

Monsoon Semester 2018-2019

B.Tech. and Dual Degree


Winter Semester 2018-2019

B.Tech. and Dual Degree


Summer Semester 2018-2019

B.Tech. and Dual Degree

Winter Semester 2017-2018

B.Tech. and Dual Degree


Summer Semester 2017-2018

B.Tech. and Dual Degree