Current Openings in ANNS Lab

Advanced Networking and Network Security Lab.pdf

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Calling all future ANNS enthusiasts!!! 

We are thrilled to announce that PhD and MS positions are currently open within the esteemed ANNS Lab. We warmly welcome applications from highly motivated individuals eager to contribute to our dynamic research team.

To apply for the PhD positions, please send an email with the subject line "PhD Position: ANNS Lab" ensuring that your application includes the following components:

Similarly, for the MS positions, kindly submit your application via email with the subject line "MS Position: ANNS Lab" ensuring that it includes:

We eagerly await your application and the opportunity to evaluate your potential contribution to the pioneering research conducted within the ANNS Lab. We wholeheartedly encourage driven individuals to seize this opportunity and become integral members of our dynamic research community.

Your application holds the promise of enriching our endeavors and advancing the frontiers of knowledge within the ANNS Lab. For further admission details, please click here.

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