Septins in animal cell morphogenesis

Welcome to the ANR Septimorf website.

Septimorf is an ANR-funded, 3-year (2018-2020) collaborative research project which aims at elucidating the function of septins in animal cell morphogenesis. Septins are small GTP-binding proteins with essential functions in animal physiology. Studies over the last two decades have provided strong evidence that septins exist as heteromeric complexes in animal cells and tissues, yet how these septin complexes organize and contribute to cell function remains largely unknown.

To decipher the link between human septin organization and function, Septimorf has gathered interdisciplinary and multi-scale expertise uniquely combining bottom-up approaches using purified components with functional studies in animal cells. The Septimorf consortium is composed of 5 partners: Institut Fresnel (coordinator), Cancer Research Center of Marseille (CRCM), Institut Curie, Cancer Research Center of Toulouse (CRCT) and AMOLF. All 5 partners complement each other by contributing each unique state-of-the-art competences, ranging from cutting-edge structural imaging technology and experimental biophysics to functional studies in cells. Motivated trainees, undergraduate and graduate students, or postdocs that wish to contribute their expertise to Septimorf are always welcome to contact us.