
  • Team workshop "Green-Econ: Research agenda" February 07, 2017, Campus INRA-SupAgro, Montpellier.

Click here to download the full program

  • International Workshop "Environmental and Natural Resources Conservation : Theoretical and Empirical Issues", September 06-07, 2017, Campus INRA-SupAgro, Montpellier.

Click here to download the full program

  • Team workshop "Transition toward a greener economy ", September 25, 2017, GREQAM, Chateau Lafarge Aix-en-Provence.

Click here to download the full program

  • Team Workshop "Transition toward a greener economy ", February 05, 2018, Bâtiment 26, Campus INRA-SupAgro Montpellier

Click here to download the full program

  • International Workshop "Environmental and Natural Resources Conservation : Theoretical and Empirical Issues", October 01-02, 2018, MSH Montpellier.

Click here to download the full program

  • Team Workshop "Transition toward a greener economy", February 18, 2019, Bâtiment 26, Campus INRA-SupAgro Montpellier.

Click here to download the full program

  • International Workshop "Environmental and Natural Resources Conservation : Theoretical and Empirical Issues", September 16-17, 2019, MSH Montpellier.

Click here to download the full program