Interdisciplinary PhD

The doctoral college of Aix-Marseille University provides each year several PhD grants for interdisciplinary research. This year 14 projects were pre-selected out of 60 proposals. 7 PhDs will be selected for funding at the end of the process. More information about this interdisciplinary PhD program can be found at

Two of these projects are related to the Green-Econ project:

  • Modélisation hydro-économique du Système aquifère du Sahara Septentrional

The SASS Project

  • Systèmes énergétiques hybrides : optimisation et intégration dans un réseau décentralisé

The SEH Project

We are looking for candidates interested in these two topics. One candidate will be selected for each project. The selected candidate will be interviewed by the Doctoral college on June 4, 2018. We must provide the name of the selected candidate (one per project) by May 23, 2018. To proceed with the selection process, we need your proposal before May 17, 2018

Your application must include:

      1. A Curriculum Vitae
      2. A statement describing your motivations for working on the project
      3. Your grades at the L3 and the M2 levels and a copy of the diploma
      4. A recommendation letter of your Master dissertation supervisor

This application should be sent at and merged into a single zip or PDF file bearing the following name

    • SASS-[your name] for the first project
    • SEH-[your name] for the second project

This mail box is only for the collection of applications. For additional information, please contact for the first project, for the second project.