Anoop Jain
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India - 342030
I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur (August 2019 onward). Prior to joining at IIT Jodhpur, I was a Post Doctoral Fellow (November 2017 - June 2019) at Cooperative Networks and Controls (CoNeCt) Laboratory, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel, and working with Professor Dainel Zelazo.
Research Interests
Cooperative Guidance and Control of Autonomous Systems
Formation Control of Multi-Agent Systems
Security in Cyber-Physical Systems
Optimization and Control of Passive Systems
PhD (Apr 2017) : Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India with Professor Debasish Ghose.
ME (Jul 2011) : Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India with Professor Debasish Ghose.
BTech (Jul 2009) : Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Krishna Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ghaziabad, India.
Pushkal Purohit received Best Student Paper Award at IEEE Indian Control Conference 2023.
2023 Certificate of Merit for Best Academic Performance in Cyber Physical Systems, IIT Jodhpur (Pentakoti Naga Venkata Sai Pavan Kumar, MTech Student with me).
2022 Certificate of Merit for Best Academic Performance in Cyber Physical Systems, IIT Jodhpur (Shivanshu Tripathi, MTech Student with me).
Associate Editor, 22nd IFAC International Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace (ACA) 2022.
Two papers (by Vaibhav Vaishnav and Shubham Singh) among the three finalist for the best student paper award at IEEE Indian Control Conference (2021).
Excellent Reviewer: AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics (October 1, 2018 - September 30, 2019)
Lady Davis Fellowship Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (2018-2019)
Outstanding Contributions in Reviewing Journal of The Franklin Institute (2017 and 2018)
Best presentation award at 2016 Aerospace Research Student Symposium, Department of Aerospace Engineering, IISc, Bangalore (2016)
Among the three finalists for the best paper award Indian Control Conference (2016)
Best presentation in session award American Control Conference (2015)
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2009: All India Rank 53 (99.74 Percentile score in Electrical Engineering).
Vaibhav Vaibhav, Anoop Jain, and Dushyant Sharma, "Auxiliary Network-Enabled Attack Detection and Resilient Control of Islanded AC Microgrid ," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (Accepted for publication), 2024.
Shubham Singh and Anoop Jain, "Collision Avoidance and Connectivity Preservation using Asymmetric Barrier Lyapunov Function with Time-Varying Distance-Constraints," Systems & Control Letters, vol. 183 (105672), pp. 1-9, 2024. DOi:
Shivanshu Tripathi, Anoop Jain, and Abhisek K. Behera, "A partially distributed fixed-time economic dispatch algorithm with Kron's modeled power transmission losses," IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems (Early Access), 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TCNS.2023.3290110
Vaibhav Vaibhav, Dushyant Sharma, and Anoop Jain, "Quadratic-Droop-Based Distributed Secondary Control of Microgrid With Detail-Balanced Communication Topology," IEEE Systems Journal (Early Access), 2023. DOI: 10.1109/JSYST.2023.3240171
Aditya Hegde and Anoop Jain, "Synchronization and Balancing around Simple Closed Polar Curves with Bounded Trajectories," Automatica 149, pp. 1-15, 2023. DOI:
Shubham Singh, Vaibhav Vaishnav, Anoop Jain, and Dushyant Sharma, "Bounded Voltage Regulation in a Direct Current Microgrid using Barrier Lyapunov Function with Uncertain Load Current," IEEE Control Systems Letters + ACC, Vol. 7, pp. 991-996, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/LCSYS.2022.3230088
Vaibhav Vaishnav, Dushyant Sharma, and Anoop Jain, "Control of Heterogeneous Battery Energy Storage Systems-Based Microgrid Connected via Detail-Balanced Communication Topology," IEEE Control Systems Letters + ACC, Vol. 7, pp. 733-738, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/LCSYS.2022.3223305
Miel Sharf, Anoop Jain, and Daniel Zelazo, "A Geometric Method for Passivation and Cooperative Control of Equilibrium-Independent Passivity-Short Systems," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 66, no. 12, December 2021, pp. 5877 - 5892. DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2020.3043390
Anoop Jain and Debasish Ghose: "Trajectory-Constrained Collective Circular Motion with Different Phase Arrangements" IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 65, no. 5, pp. 2237 -2244 , May 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2019.2940233
Anoop Jain and Debasish Ghose: "Robust Stabilization of Balanced and Splay Formations with Heterogeneous Controller Gains," Journal of The Franklin Institute, vol. 356, no. 8, pp. 4554-4576, 2019. DOI:
Anoop Jain, Miel Sharf, and Daniel Zelazo: "Regularization and Feedback Passivation in Cooperative Control of Passivity-Short Systems: A Network Optimization Perspective," IEEE Control System Letters + CDC, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 731-736, 2018. DOI: 10.1109/LCSYS.2018.2847738
Anoop Jain and Debasish Ghose: "Collective Circular Motion of Multi-agent Systems in Synchronized and Balanced Formations With Second-Order Rotational Dynamics," Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, vol. 54, pp. 1433-1451, 2018. DOI:
Anoop Jain, Debasish Ghose, and Prathyush P. Menon: "Multi-agent Formation in a Controllable Force Field with Non-identical Controller Gains," IET Control Theory & Applications, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 802-811, 2018. DOI: 10.1049/iet-cta.2017.0651
Anoop Jain and Debasish Ghose: "Synchronization of Multi-Agent Systems with Heterogeneous Controllers," Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 89, pp. 1433-1451, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s11071-017-3526-x
Anoop Jain and Debasish Ghose: "Stabilization of Collective Formations with Speed and Controller Gain Heterogeneity and Saturation," Journal of The Franklin Institute, vol. 354, no. 14, pp. 5964-5995, 2017. DOI:
Conference Papers
Rajendra Prasad and Anoop Jain, "Quantifying Deviation in Average Consensus Equilibrium in a Multi-Agent System Subject to Periodic Denial-of-Service Attacks," IEEE Indian Control Conference (ICC), December 9-11, 2024, IISER Bhopal, India. (Accepted for presentation).
Shubham Singh and Anoop Jain, "Constrained Synchronization of Drive and Response Chaotic Systems with Parametric Uncertainty using Barrier Lyapunov Function," IEEE American Control Conference (ACC), July 10-12, 2024, Toronto, Canada , pp. 2476-2481.
Gaurav Singh Bhati, KKN Shyam Sathvik, Anuj Patil and Anoop Jain, "Multi-Agent Phase-Balancing around Polar Curves with Bounded Trajectories: An Experimental Study using Crazyflies and MoCap System," IEEE Indian Control Conference (ICC), Dec. 18-20, 2023, Gitam University, Visakhapatnam, (Accepted for presentation in experimental abstract category).
Pushkal Purohit and Anoop Jain, "Lyapunov-Based Attack Detection and Mitigation with Variable Control Gain," IEEE Indian Control Conference (ICC), pp. 138-143, Dec. 18-20, 2023, Gitam University, Visakhapatnam.
Pushkal Purohit and Anoop Jain, "Passivity-Based Attack Detection and Mitigation with Switching Adaptive Controller and Quadratic Storage Function," IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 2403 - 2408, Dec. 13-15, 2023, Singapore.
Raghvendra Kaushik, and Anoop Jain, "Stabilization of Collective Motion with Bounded Trajectories in an External Flow Field," IEEE European Control Conference, June 13-16, 2023, Bucharest, Romania, pp. 1-5.
P.N.V. Sai Pavan Kumar, and A. Jain, "Towards the Secure Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems via a Virtual Network and Heterogeneous Controller Gains," Proceedings of the 22nd IFAC International Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace (ACA) 2022, IIT Bombay, 2022, pp. 236-241.
Vaibhav Vaishnav, Dushyant Sharma, and Anoop Jain: \Network-Based Finite-Time Secondary Control for Critical Bus Voltage Restoration and Accurate Reactive Power-Sharing," Proceedings of the 22nd National Power System Conference, 2022, IIT Delhi, pp. 584-589.
Shubham Singh and Anoop Jain: "Time-Varying Distance-Constrained Formation Maneuver Control With Guaranteed Prescribed Performance for Mobile Agents," IEEE American Control Conference, pp. 5134-5139, June 2022, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Shubham Singh and Anoop Jain: "Distance-Constrained Formation Control of Multi-Agent Systems Using Asymmetric Barrier Lyapunov Function," Proceedings of IEEE Indian Control Conference, IIT Bombay, India, December 20-22, 2021, pp. 395-399.
Vaibhav Vaishnav, Anoop Jain, and Dushyant Sharma: "Finite-Time Stability Analysis of a Distributed Microgrid Connected via Detail-Balanced Graph," Proceedings of IEEE Indian Control Conference, IIT Bombay, India, December 20-22, 2021, pp. 365-370.
Shubham Sharma and Anoop Jain: "Collective Circular Motion with Trajectory and Turn-Rate Constraints," Proceedings of IEEE Indian Control Conference, IIT Bombay, India, December 20-22, 2021, pp. 225-230.
Anoop Jain and Daniel Zelazo: "Temporal Circular Formation Control with Bounded Trajectories in a Uniform Flow field," 27th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Akko, Israel, July 1-4, 2019, pp. 189-194.
Anoop Jain and Debasish Ghose: "A Heterogeneous Control Gain Approach to Achieve a Desired Collective Centroid by a Formation of Agents," Proceedings of Indian Control Conference, IIT Guwahati, India, January 4-6, 2017, pp. 321-326.
Anoop Jain, Debasish Ghose and Prathyush P. Menon: "Achieving a Desired Collective Centroid by a Formation of Agents Moving in a Controllable Force Field," Proceedings of Indian Control Conference, Hyderabad, India, January 4-6, 2016, pp. 182-187.
Anoop Jain and Debasish Ghose: "Stabilization of Collective Motion in Synchronized, Balanced and Splay Phase Arrangements on a Desired Circle," Proceedings of IEEE American Control Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, July 1-3, 2015, pp. 731-736.
Anoop Jain, Debasish Ghose and Prathyush P Menon: "Stabilization of Balanced Circular Motion about a Desired Center," Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Advances in Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems, Kanpur, India, March 13-15, 2014, pp. 656-661.
Anoop Jain and Debasish Ghose: "Collective Behavior with Heterogeneous Controllers," Proceedings of IEEE American Control Conference, Washington DC, USA, June 17-19, 2013, pp. 4629-4634.
Start-up Research Grant, SERB (PI): Secure and Robust Coordination and Control of Autonomous Multi-Vehicle Systems with Desired Constraints. [Completed]
Seed Grant, IIT-Jodhpur (PI): Achieving Collaborative Missions via Distributed Coordination and Control of Autonomous Multi- Vehicle System. [Completed]
MeitY Grant (Co-PI): Centre for Advanced Security Technology Development in Cyber-Physical Systems. [Ongoing]
DRDO (Co-PI): Development of Multi-Agent Amphibious Quadcopter System. [Ongoing]
Vaibhav Vaishnav (Thesis Topic: Coordinated Control in Smart Grid)
Pushkal Purohit (Thesis Topic: Safe and Secure Operation of Multi-Agent Systems)
Shubham Singh (Thesis Topic: Distributed Control of Multi-Agent System with Desired Constraints)
Suhaib Md (Thesis Topic: Distributed Optimization in Multi-Agent Systems)
Raghvendra Kaushik [CPS 2019 Batch] (PhD at IIT-Roorkee)
Vishal Raj [CPS 2019 Batch] (Post Baccalaureate Fellow, Robert Bosh Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, IIT Madras)
Shubham Sharma [CPS 2019 Batch] (PhD at IIT-Jodhpur)
Manjita Saini [CPS 2019 Batch] (Placement @ Intel)
Shivanshu Tripathi [CPS 2020 Batch] (PhD @ University of California, Riverside, with Prof. Wei Ren and Prof. Fabio Pasqualetti)
Avinash Kumar Das [CPS 2020 Batch] (GET@Lightstorm, Mumbai)
Pentakoti Naga Venkata Sai Pavan Kumar (CPS 2021 Batch) (Control System Engineer @ Svaya Robotics, Hyderabad)
Vikram Reddy Ettam (CPS 2021 Batch) (AM@ Maruti Suzuki India Limited)
Gaurav Singh Bhati (CPS 2022 Batch) (PhD @ IIT-Bombay)
Anand Singh (CPS 2023 Batch)
Rajendra Prasad (CPS 2023 Batch)
Chaitanya Shashikant Patil (M23IRM004)
Sriyans Patra (M24CPS010)
Devesh Kumar Jangid (B17EE022)
Devraj Meena (B17EE023)
J Sandeep Narayan (B17EE035)
Shivansh Kulshrestha (B17EE056)
Rashmi Mertia (B18EE040)
Arzoo Quershi (B18EE063)
Akshat Agarwal (B19EE007)
Mahendra Rao (B19EE047)
Manish Meena (B19EE050)
Shyam Sundar Meena (B19EE081)
Aditya R Gadhavi (B19EE004)
Upadhyay Akarsh Bholendukumar (B19EE085)
Anuj Vijay Patil (B22EE010)
K K N Shyam Sathvik (B22EE036)
Arukonda Vaishnavi (B21ME013)
Prof. Debasish Ghose (Department of Aerospace Engineering, IISc-Bangalore)
Dr. Daniel Zelazo (Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
Dr. Miel Sharf (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Dr. Shashi Ranjan Kumar (Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT-Bombay)
Dr. Abhisek Kumar Behera (Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT-Roorkee)
Dr. Harikumar Kandath (IIIT-Hyderabad)
Dr. Aditya Hegde (Department of Aerospace Engineering, IISc-Bangalore)
Dr. Twinkle Tripathy (Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT-Kanpur)
Dr. Dushyant Sharma (Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT ISM-Dhanbad)
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad (MNNIT), Prayagraj, September 28, 2024. The Evolving Landscape of Multi-Agent Systems: Control, Coordination and Future Prospects
International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIIT-H), September 30, 2023. Coordination and Control of Multi-Agent Systems: Perspective on Theory, Applications and Future Trends
Vaibhav Summit (Track: UAV - Detection, Tracking and Neutralization), organized by government of India, October 24, 2020. Autonomous Tracking and Detection of Targets using Formation of Multi-UAV Systems
Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Pune, November 26, 2021 Coordination and control of UAVs: A Perspective on Theory, Applications, and Future Trends
ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad, June 24, 2020. Coordination and control of multi-agent systems: A Perspective on Theory, Applications, and Future Trends
National Institute of Technology, Patna, June 4, 2020. Coordination and control of multi-agent systems
Indian Institute of Technology, IIT Bombay (Bombay, India), October 18, 2019. Coordination and Control of Multiple Unmanned Systems: Various Formation Patterns and their Applications
Tel - Aviv University (Tel-Aviv, Israel), April 29, 2019. Formation Control in Networked Dynamical Systems
Indian Institute of Technology, IIT Dharwad (Dharwad, India), April 9, 2019. Coordination of Networked Dynamical Systems: Formation Control, Passivation and Network Optimization
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Haifa, Israel), January 08, 2018. Synchronized and Balanced Collective Formations in Multi-Agent Systems
Professional Affiliation and Services
Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [December 2024]
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
IEEE Control System Letters
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace & Electronic Systems
Journal of The Franklin Institute
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
Nonlinear Dynamics
IET Control Theory & Applications
Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering
Transactions of the Indian National Academy of Engineering
Proceedings of the Royal Society A
Ocean Engineering (Elsevier)
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
IEEE American Control Conference (ACC)
IEEE Indian Control Conference (ICC)
IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA)
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems (NECSYS)
Advances in Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems (ACODS)
International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS)
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GNC) Conference
National Power System Conference (NPSC)
Teaching @ IIT-Jodhpur
Control Systems (UG)
Networked Dynamical Systems and Control (PG)
Simulation of Dynamical Systems (PG)
Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems (PG)
Security in Cyber-Physical Systems (PG)
Mobile Robots (PG)
Control Systems Laboratory (UG)
Engineering Visualization (UG)
IEE Lab (UG)
Cyber Physical Systems Laboratory (PG)
Contact Details
Room No.: 310
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur Rajasthan 342030 India
Phone (Office): (+91 291) 280 1371
Google Scholar Link: click here