Conferences, Seminars, Invited Lectures
Convener, Sessions Organized/ Chaired
Chaired a session on Time Series at International Conference (Virtual Mode) on Emerging trends in Statistics and Data Science in conjunction with 40th Annual Convention of ISPS, 7-10, September, 2021.
Chaired a session at Sixth International Conference on Statistics for Twenty-first Century-2020 [ICSTC-2020] virtual conference, 16-19 December 2020, organized by the Department of Statistics, University of Kerala, Trivandrum.
Organized a session on Bayesian and Shrinkage Estimation in Econometrics at 2nd International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta 2018), City University of Honk Kong, 19-21 June 2018.
Convener, one day workshop on IBM SPSS 22.0 organized by the Department of Statistics, University of Allahabad on 21st August 2014.
Organized a one day seminar on Recent Developments in Statistics, Applied Econometrics and Forecasting, at Allahabad University, India on 27 April, 2013.
Organized a session on Econometrics and chaired a session at International Conference of FIM on Interdisciplinary Mathematics, Statistics and Computational Techniques, Panjab University, Chandigarh, 15-17 December 2012.
Convener, International Conference on Recent Developments in Statistics, Applied Econometrics and Forecasting, during, jointly with the Faculty of Business, Technology and Sustainable Development, Bond University, Australia, 27-28 December 2010.
Convener, International Seminar on Trade for Development Issues and Concern: A Developing Country’s Perspective, jointly hosted by Department of Statistics and Department of Economics, University of Allahabad, in collaboration with AUSAID, The Centre for Strategic Economic Studies, Victoria University, Australia and UNCTAD India programme, 25-26 September 2008.
Convener, 9th International Conference of Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics, on Statistics, Combinatorics and related areas, jointly hosted by the Department of Statistics and the Department of Mathematics, University of Allahabad, 21-23 December 2002.
Convener, Workshop on Combinatorics and Optimization Techniques in Statistics, organized by the Department of Statistics, University of Allahabad, 18-20 December 2002.
Chaired a session on Signal Processing at the International Conference on Statistics, Probability, Operations Research, Computer Science and Allied Areas in Conjunction with 8th IISA joint Statistical meeting and 29th annual Convention of ISPS, Visakhapatnam
Organized and chaired a session on Linear Models at the 8th International Conference of Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics, on Statistics, Combinatorics and related areas, held at the Department of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong, Australia, 19-21 December 2001.
Organized and chaired a session on Time Series at the 7th International Conference of Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics on Statistics, Combinatorics and related areas, held at the Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, 19-21 December 2000.
Chaired a session at the Seminar on Quantitative Analysis of Economic Inequality and Poverty, held at Institute of Social and Economic Change, Banglore, 17-19 March 1994.
Invited Talks/Seminars:
In India
Delivered an invited seminar at the Department of Statistics Savitribai Phule Pune University, on 19th October 2022. Title of the seminar: An eigen decomposition-based bias-corrected least squares procedure for dynamic space-time panel data model.
Workshop on Statistical Analysis for Engineers and Researchers, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, IIT Kanpur, delivered lecture on the topic Data Mining Tools for analyzing big data, September 04 - 08, 2017.
Department of Statistics, Panjab University, Chandigarh, delivered a seminar on the topic Unit Root Tests for Models with Structural Break: A Bayesian Approach, 21st March 2017.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, IIT Kanpur, delivered seminar on Bayesian Approach to Unit Root for Models involving Structural Break 2nd December 2016.
International Conference on Current Scenario and Prospects of Nanotechnology and Bio-Statistics, UP Rajarshi Tondon Open University, Allahabad, delivered invited lecture on Classification and Dimension Reduction Tools in Bioinformatics: Application of Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis, 25-26 February 2016.
Giri Institute of Development Studies, Lucknow, delivered invited lecture on Quantitative Data Analysis-Bivariate at the Capacity Building Programme for Faculty Members in Social Sciences Programme Schedule, February 16th to 27th, 2015.
Department of Statistics, SV University, delivered invited lecture on Linear Models and Multicollinearity Problem at the National Workshop on Big Data & Analytics, 30th November to 2nd December, 2014.
General Course and training program on “Statistics and Sampling in Audit” organized by AG office Allahabad, 7-11 July 2014, delivered inaugural lecture on Descriptive Statistics.
Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, National Seminar on Recent Advances in Applied Statistics and its Application in Forestry, April 15-17, 2013, Time series models for forestry data. Also chaired a session in the seminar.
National Academy of Sciences, workshop on Scientific Research Paper Writing, held at Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, Rajasthan, April 05-07,2013, Statistical Date Analysis.
Department of Applied Statistics, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, Conference on Applied Statistics and its Applications 2013 during March 16-17, 2013, Process Capability Analysis for Autocorrelated Observations.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, IIT Kanpur, Workshop on Statistical Analysis for Engineers during June17-21 2013, delivered inaugural lecture and lectures on estimation theory and probability theory.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, IIT Kanpur, Workshop on Statistical Analysis for Engineers during July 2-6 2012, delivered inaugural lecture on Introduction and need for statistical tools.
Department of Statistics and Operations Research, Aligarh Muslim University, National Conference on “Statistical Inference, Sampling Techniques and Related Areas” during, February 11 – 12, 2012, Effect of Model Misspecification on Bayesian Unit Root Test
Centre of Bioinformatics, University of Allahabad, International Symposium cum Training Workshop On Recent Trends in Bioinformatics, Systems Biology and Biomolecular Interactions, January 8-10, 2012, Statistical and Data Mining Tools for Analyzing High-Dimensional Microarray Data.
National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad, 23rd October 2011, Statistical Analysis and Interpretation in Research Paper Writing.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, IIT, Kanpur, 27th September 2011, Control Charts for Observations on Grid.
Outside India
Department of Statistics, Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München, Munich, Germany, 27th July 2023, Mean field variational Bayes for finite mixture of random coefficients models.
Department of Statistics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany, 28th June 2017, Robust Bayesian Analysis of Linear Static Panel Data Models using ε-contamination.
Department of Statistics, Faculty of Business and Economics, United Arab Emirates University, 19th May 2011, Stein rule estimation in linear models with non-spherical disturbances.
School of Mathematical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 11th June 2010, Spatial ARMA Models: An Application to Control Charts for Observations of 2-D Grid.
Tinbergen Institute Econometrics Seminar, UvA, Amsterdam, 22nd January 2010. Bayesian Unit Root Test for AR Model Involving Structural Breaks with Application to ASEAN Countries' Export.
School of Business, Latrobe University, Australia, 8th July 2009. A Bayesian Approach to Unit Root and Level Shifts with Application to ASEAN Countries’ Exports.
School of Finance, Bond University, Australia, 6th July 2009. A Bayesian Approach to Unit Root and Level Shifts with Application to ASEAN Countries’ Exports.
Department of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong, Australia, 29th June 2009, A Bayesian Approach to Unit Root and Level Shifts.
Department of Economics, University of Wollongong, Australia, 18th June 2009, Bayesian Unit Root Test for AR Model involving Structural Break: An Application to Export Data of Some ASEAN Countries.
School of Finance, Bond University, Australia, 9th July 2003, Unit root tests in time series models a Bayesian approach.
Department of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong, Australia, 2nd July 2003, Unit root tests in time series models a Bayesian approach.
Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, H.K., October 1997, Bayesian Unit Root Test in Non-normal AR(1) Model.
Department of Economics, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia, 27th June 1995, Bayesian Estimation of Some Measures of Income Inequality for the Pareto Distribution.
Department of Economics, University of New South Wales, Australia, 6th June 1995, Bayesian Estimation of Some Measures of Income Inequality for the Pareto Distribution.
Faculty of AIS, Griffiths University, Australia, 6th April 1995, Estimation of Some Measures of Income Inequality for the Pareto Income Distribution.
Department of Econometrics, Monash University, Australia, 17th November 1989, Estimation in Linear Models with Non-scalar Error Covariance Matrix.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Wollongong, Australia, 13th November 1989, Estimation in Linear Models with Non-scalar Error Covariance Matrix.
Department of Economics, University of Wollongong, Australia, 8th November 1989, Estimation in Linear Models with Non-scalar Error Covariance Matrix.
Paper Presentation/ invited talks at Conferences
Outside India
The Econometric Society and Bocconi University Virtual World Congress, Aug 17 - 21, 2020, Robust Dynamic Panel Data Models with ϵ-contamination.
65th Congress of the European Meeting of the Econometric Society, University of Oslo, Norway, 25-29 August 2011, Confidence Ellipsoids Based on a General Family of Shrinkage Estimators for a Linear Model with Non-spherical Disturbances.
Department of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong, Australia, 8th International Conference of Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics, on Statistics, Combinatorics and related areas, 19-21st December, 2001, Risk and Pitman Closeness Properties of A Family of Improved regression estimator in a Linear Regression Model with Non-spherical Disturbances under Balanced Loss Function.
5th World Congress of Econometric Society, M.I.T., U.S.A., 17-24 August 1985, Families of Minimax Estimators in Linear Models.
In India
Sixth International Conference on Statistics for Twenty-first Century-2020 [ICSTC-2020] virtual conference, 16-19 December 2020, organized by the Department of Statistics, University of Kerala, Trivandrum. Delivered invited talk on Bayesian Unit Root Test for Time Series Process with Panel structure and GARCH Errors.
International Virtual Conference on Prof. CR Rao’s School of Thought in Statistical Sciences, Organized by Dept. of Statistics, Pondicherry University (A Central University) & Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, Mrs. A.V.N. College, Visakhapatnam, November 2020. Delivered invited talk on Testing Stationarity in GARCH Processes using Bayesian Approach: An Application to Crude Oil and Petroleum Products Spot Prices.
Prof. C.R.RAO Birth Centenary Celebrations International Webinar on Advances in Statistics and Data Science for Sustainable Human Development, Indian Society of Probability and Statistics, 7-10 September 2020. Delivered invited talk on Robust Bayesian Analysis with ϵ-Contamination Class of Priors with an Application to Dynamic Panel Data Model.
Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Mohanlal Sukhadia University and Rajasthan Statistical Association 3rd National Conference on Statistics for Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities (NCSSSH-2019) on Statistics for Sustainable Development, during 13-14 September, 2019. Delivered invited talk on Sustainable Forest Cover Modelling and Model Averaging.
School of Sciences, UP Rajarshi Tondon Open University, Allahabad, International Symposium on Statistical Techniques, Big data analysis and Research, 1st September 2018. Delivered invited lecture on the topic PCA and ANN with Application to Forestry Data.
Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), Dehradun, National workshop on Recent Advances in Statistical Methods and Applications in Forestry and Environmental Sciences (RASMAFES)” from May 23-25. Delivered invited lecture on the topic Data Mining Tools For Classifying and Analyzing Forestry Data.
Department of Statistics, Banaras Hindu University "National Conference on Advanced Developments in Theoretical and Applied Statistics (ADTAS-2017)" during 13-15, November 2017. Delivered invited talk on Generalized Bayes Estimation in Spatial Autoregressive (SAR) Model.
School of Sciences, UP Rajarshi Tondon Open University, Allahabad, the National Seminar on Application of Scientific and Statistical Software in Research, 30-31 March, 2017. Delivered keynote address on the topic Data Mining with R
18th International Conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences, Department of Mathematics, University of Allahabad, 22-14 December 2015. Delivered invited lecture on Bayesian Unit Root Test for model involving Structural Shift in Parameters.
Department of Statistics, Central University of Rajasthan, the National Conference on “Time Series, Analytics and recent advances in Statistical Modeling, 24-25 August, 2015. Delivered keynote address on Robust Bayesian Approach to Panel Data Models.
Department of Statistics, SV University, International Conference On Statistics and Information Technology for a Growing Nation, 30th November to 2nd December, 2014. Delivered invited talk on Robust linear static panel data models using epsilon-contamination.
Delivered six lectures on Time Series modeling and forecasting at the “Training on Applications of Advanced Econometric Techniques” organized by Baba Saheb Bheem Rao Ambedakar University, Lucknow, during 17-28 Feb 2014.
The Conference on Applied Statistics and its Applications at Department of Applied Statistics, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, March 16-17, 2013. Delivered invited talk on Process Capability Analysis for Autocorrelated Observations.
International Conference of FIM on Interdisciplinary Mathematics, Statistics and Computational Techniques, Panjab University, Chandigarh, December 15-
Convener, Sessions Organized/ Chaired
Convener, one day workshop on IBM SPSS 22.0 organized by the Department of Statistics, University of Allahabad on 21st August 2014.
Organized a one day seminar on Recent Developments in Statistics, Applied Econometrics and Forecasting, at Allahabad University, India on 27 April, 2013.
Organized a session on Econometrics and chaired a session at International Conference of FIM on Interdisciplinary Mathematics, Statistics and Computational Techniques, Panjab University, Chandigarh, 15-17 December 2012.
Convener, International Conference on Recent Developments in Statistics, Applied Econometrics and Forecasting, during, jointly with the Faculty of Business, Technology and Sustainable Development, Bond University, Australia, 27-28 December 2010.
Convener, International Seminar on Trade for Development Issues and Concern: A Developing Country’s Perspective, jointly hosted by Department of Statistics and Department of Economics, University of Allahabad, in collaboration with AUSAID, The Centre for Strategic Economic Studies, Victoria University, Australia and UNCTAD India programme, 25-26 September 2008.
Convener, 9th International Conference of Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics, on Statistics, Combinatorics and related areas, jointly hosted by the Department of Statistics and the Department of Mathematics, University of Allahabad, 21-23 December 2002.
Convener, Workshop on Combinatorics and Optimization Techniques in Statistics, organized by the Department of Statistics, University of Allahabad, 18-20 December 2002.
Chaired a session on Signal Processing at the International Conference on Statistics, Probability, Operations Research, Computer Science and Allied Areas in Conjunction with 8th IISA joint Statistical meeting and 29th annual Convention of ISPS, Visakhapatnam
Organized and chaired a session on Linear Models at the 8th International Conference of Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics, on Statistics, Combinatorics and related areas, held at the Department of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong, Australia, 19-21 December 2001.
Organized and chaired a session on Time Series at the 7th International Conference of Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics on Statistics, Combinatorics and related areas, held at the Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, 19-21 December 2000.
Chaired a session at the Seminar on Quantitative Analysis of Economic Inequality and Poverty, held at Institute of Social and Economic Change, Banglore, 17-19 March 1994.
Invited Talks/Seminars:
In India
Workshop on Statistical Analysis for Engineers and Researchers, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, IIT Kanpur, delivered lecture on the topic Data Mining Tools for analyzing big data, September 04 - 08, 2017.
Department of Statistics, Panjab University, Chandigarh, delivered a seminar on the topic Unit Root Tests for Models with Structural Break: A Bayesian Approach, 21st March 2017.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, IIT Kanpur, delivered seminar on Bayesian Approach to Unit Root for Models involving Structural Break 2nd December 2016.
International Conference on Current Scenario and Prospects of Nanotechnology and Bio-Statistics, UP Rajarshi Tondon Open University, Allahabad, delivered invited lecture on Classification and Dimension Reduction Tools in Bioinformatics: Application of Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis, 25-26 February 2016.
Giri Institute of Development Studies, Lucknow, delivered invited lecture on Quantitative Data Analysis-Bivariate at the Capacity Building Programme for Faculty Members in Social Sciences Programme Schedule, February 16th to 27th, 2015.
Department of Statistics, SV University, delivered invited lecture on Linear Models and Multicollinearity Problem at the National Workshop on Big Data & Analytics, 30th November to 2nd December, 2014.
General Course and training program on “Statistics and Sampling in Audit” organized by AG office Allahabad, 7-11 July 2014, delivered inaugural lecture on Descriptive Statistics.
Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, National Seminar on Recent Advances in Applied Statistics and its Application in Forestry, April 15-17, 2013, Time series models for forestry data. Also chaired a session in the seminar.
National Academy of Sciences, workshop on Scientific Research Paper Writing, held at Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, Rajasthan, April 05-07,2013, Statistical Date Analysis.
Department of Applied Statistics, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, Conference on Applied Statistics and its Applications 2013 during March 16-17, 2013, Process Capability Analysis for Autocorrelated Observations.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, IIT Kanpur, Workshop on Statistical Analysis for Engineers during June17-21 2013, delivered inaugural lecture and lectures on estimation theory and probability theory.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, IIT Kanpur, Workshop on Statistical Analysis for Engineers during July 2-6 2012, delivered inaugural lecture on Introduction and need for statistical tools.
Department of Statistics and Operations Research, Aligarh Muslim University, National Conference on “Statistical Inference, Sampling Techniques and Related Areas” during, February 11 – 12, 2012, Effect of Model Misspecification on Bayesian Unit Root Test
Centre of Bioinformatics, University of Allahabad, International Symposium cum Training Workshop On Recent Trends in Bioinformatics, Systems Biology and Biomolecular Interactions, January 8-10, 2012, Statistical and Data Mining Tools for Analyzing High-Dimensional Microarray Data.
National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad, 23rd October 2011, Statistical Analysis and Interpretation in Research Paper Writing.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, IIT, Kanpur, 27th September 2011, Control Charts for Observations on Grid.
Outside India
Department of Statistics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany, 28th June 2017, Robust Bayesian Analysis of Linear Static Panel Data Models using ε-contamination.
Department of Statistics, Faculty of Business and Economics, United Arab Emirates University, 19th May 2011, Stein rule estimation in linear models with non spherical disturbances.
School of Mathematical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 11th June 2010, Spatial ARMA Models: An Application to Control Charts for Observations of 2-D Grid.
Tinbergen Institute Econometrics Seminar, UvA, Amsterdam, 22nd January 2010. Bayesian Unit Root Test for AR Model Involving Structural Breaks with Application to ASEAN Countries' Export.
School of Business, Latrobe University, Australia, 8th July 2009. A Bayesian Approach to Unit Root and Level Shifts with Application to ASEAN Countries’ Exports.
School of Finance, Bond University, Australia, 6th July 2009. A Bayesian Approach to Unit Root and Level Shifts with Application to ASEAN Countries’ Exports.
Department of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong, Australia, 29th June 2009, A Bayesian Approach to Unit Root and Level Shifts.
Department of Economics, University of Wollongong, Australia, 18th June 2009, Bayesian Unit Root Test for AR Model involving Structural Break: An Application to Export Data of Some ASEAN Countries.
School of Finance, Bond University, Australia, 9th July 2003, Unit root tests in time series models a Bayesian approach.
Department of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong, Australia, 2nd July 2003, Unit root tests in time series models a Bayesian approach.
Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, H.K., October 1997, Bayesian Unit Root Test in Non-normal AR(1) Model.
Department of Economics, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia, 27th June 1995, Bayesian Estimation of Some Measures of Income Inequality for the Pareto Distribution.
Department of Economics, University of New South Wales, Australia, 6th June 1995, Bayesian Estimation of Some Measures of Income Inequality for the Pareto Distribution.
Faculty of AIS, Griffiths University, Australia, 6th April 1995, Estimation of Some Measures of Income Inequality for the Pareto Income Distribution.
Department of Econometrics, Monash University, Australia, 17th November 1989, Estimation in Linear Models with Non-scalar Error Covariance Matrix.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Wollongong, Australia, 13th November 1989, Estimation in Linear Models with Non-scalar Error Covariance Matrix.
Department of Economics, University of Wollongong, Australia, 8th November 1989, Estimation in Linear Models with Non-scalar Error Covariance Matrix.
Paper Presentation/ invited talks at Conferences
Outside India
65th Congress of the European Meeting of the Econometric Society, University of Oslo, Norway, 25-29 August 2011, Confidence Ellipsoids Based on a General Family of Shrinkage Estimators for a Linear Model with Non-spherical Disturbances.
Department of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, University of Wollongong, Australia, 8th International Conference of Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics, on Statistics, Combinatorics and related areas, 19-21st December, 2001, Risk and Pitman Closeness Properties of A Family of Improved regression estimator in a Linear Regression Model with Non-spherical Disturbances under Balanced Loss Function.
5th World Congress of Econometric Society, M.I.T., U.S.A., 17-24 August 1985, Families of Minimax Estimators in Linear Models.
In India
International Workshop on “Integrated Approaches of Stochastic Modeling and Data Science for Sustainable Development” in conjunction with Diamond Jubilee Celebrations of Department of Statistics, SV University, Tirupati during 07-11, September 2022 Delivered invited talk on Regression Models for Panel Data: Basic Concepts and Challenges.
International Conference (Virtual Mode) on Emerging trends in Statistics and Data Science in conjunction with 40th Annual Convention of ISPS, 7-10 September 2021. Delivered invited talk on Dynamic Space-time Panel Data Models: An Eigen-decomposition Based Bias-corrected Least Squares Procedure.
Sixth International Conference on Statistics for Twenty-first Century-2020 [ICSTC-2020] virtual conference, 16-19 December 2020, organized by the Department of Statistics, University of Kerala, Trivandrum. Delivered invited talk on Bayesian Unit Root Test for Time Series Process with Panel structure and GARCH Errors.
International Virtual Conference on Prof. CR Rao’s School of Thought in Statistical Sciences, Organized by Department of Statistics, Pondicherry University (A Central University) & Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Mrs. A.V.N. College, Visakhapatnam, November 2020. Delivered invited talk on Testing Stationarity in GARCH Processes using Bayesian Approach: An Application to Crude Oil and Petroleum Products Spot Prices.
Prof. C.R.RAO Birth Centenary Celebrations International Webinar on Advances in Statistics and Data Science for Sustainable Human Development, Indian Society of Probability and Statistics, 7-10 September 2020. Delivered invited talk on Robust Bayesian Analysis with ϵ-Contamination Class of Priors with an Application to Dynamic Panel Data Model.
Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Mohanlal Sukhadia University and Rajasthan Statistical Association 3rd National Conference on Statistics for Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities (NCSSSH-2019) on Statistics for Sustainable Development, during 13-14 September, 2019. Delivered invited talk on Sustainable Forest Cover Modelling and Model Averaging.
School of Sciences, UP Rajarshi Tandon Open University, Allahabad, International Symposium on Statistical Techniques, Big data analysis and Research, 1st September 2018. Delivered invited lecture on the topic PCA and ANN with Application to Forestry Data.
Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), Dehradun, National workshop on Recent Advances in Statistical Methods and Applications in Forestry and Environmental Sciences (RASMAFES)” from May 23-25, 2018. Delivered invited lecture on the topic Data Mining Tools for Classifying and Analyzing Forestry Data.
Department of Statistics, Banaras Hindu University "National Conference on Advanced Developments in Theoretical and Applied Statistics (ADTAS-2017)" during 13-15, November 2017. Delivered invited talk on Generalized Bayes Estimation in Spatial Autoregressive (SAR) Model.
School of Sciences, UP Rajarshi Tondon Open University, Allahabad, the National Seminar on Application of Scientific and Statistical Software in Research, 30-31 March, 2017. Delivered keynote address on the topic Data Mining with R
18th International Conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences, Department of Mathematics, University of Allahabad, 22-14 December 2015. Delivered invited lecture on Bayesian Unit Root Test for model involving Structural Shift in Parameters.
Department of Statistics, Central University of Rajasthan, the National Conference on “Time Series, Analytics and recent advances in Statistical Modeling, 24-25 August, 2015. Delivered keynote address on Robust Bayesian Approach to Panel Data Models.
Department of Statistics, SV University, International Conference On Statistics and Information Technology for a Growing Nation, 30th November to 2nd December, 2014. Delivered invited talk on Robust linear static panel data models using epsilon-contamination.
Delivered six lectures on Time Series modeling and forecasting at the “Training on Applications of Advanced Econometric Techniques” organized by Baba Saheb Bheem Rao Ambedakar University, Lucknow, during 17-28 Feb 2014.
The Conference on Applied Statistics and its Applications at Department of Applied Statistics, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, March 16-17, 2013. Delivered invited talk on Process Capability Analysis for Autocorrelated Observations.
International Conference of FIM on Interdisciplinary Mathematics, Statistics and Computational Techniques, Panjab University, Chandigarh, December 15-17, 2012. Delivered invited talk on Robust Bayesian inference in a panel data model.
International Conference on Mathematics of Date organized by Pushpa Publishing House, Allahabad, December 31, 2010-January 04, 2011. Delivered Plenary lecture on Spatial ARMA models: An application to control charts for observations on 2-D grid
International Conference on Statistics, Probability, Operations Research, Computer Science and Allied Areas in Conjunction with 8th IISA joint Statistical meeting and 29th annual Convention of ISPS, Visakhapatnam 4-8 January 2010. Delivered invited lecture on Control charts for observations on 2-D grid with general autocorrelations structure.
International Seminar on Trade for Development Issues and Concern: A Developing Country’s Perspective, University of Allahabad, Modeling ASEAN Countries’ Exports and Unit Root Testing: A Bayesian Approach, 25-26 September 2008.
International Conference on Multivariate Statistical Methods in the 21st Century: The Legacy of Prof. S.N. Roy, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, December 28–29, 2006.
Recent Statistical Techniques in Life-Testing, Reliability, Sampling Theory and Quality Control, Banaras Hindu University, 29-31 December 2003. Control Charts for the Autocorrelated Observations on Grid.
International Conference on Recent Developments in Statistics and Probability and their Applications, organized by International Indian Statistical Association, 30th December 2000-2nd January 2001, Delhi. Double k-class Estimators in Regression Models with Non-spherical Disturbances.
Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, 7th International Conference International Conference of Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics, on Statistics, Combinatorics and related areas, 19-21 December, 2000. Improved Multivariate Prediction in a General Linear Model with an Unknown Covariance Matrix.
Department of Statistics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, National Seminar on Bayesian Statistics and its Applications, 6-8 April 1996. Bayesian Analysis of the Linear Regression Model with Non-normal Disturbances.
Institute of Social and Economic Change, Banglore, Seminar on Quantitative Analysis of Economic Inequality and Poverty, 17-19 March 1994. Bayesian Regression Analysis with an Edgeworth Series Prior Distribution.
University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, 81st session of the Indian Science Congress Association, January 3-8 1994. Use of Bivariate Confluent Hyper geometric Function in Bayesian Economics.
I.I.T., Kanpur, 29th annual conference of the Indian Econometric Society, March 20-22 1993. Stein-Rule Estimation in the Restricted Regression Model with Non-homoscedastic Errors.
Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi, 6th annual conference on Economic Theory and Related Mathematical Methods, 8-10 January 1992. Ridge Regression Estimation in the Linear Regression Model with Non-homoscedastic Errors.
University of Allahabad, 2nd biennial conference of the Allahabad Mathematical Society, 14-16 November 1987. Stein Rule Estimation in Linear Model with Nonscalar Error Covariance Matrix.
Department of Statistics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Seminar on recent developments in techniques of Population Analysis and Statistical Inference, 21-23 October 1983. Effect of Estimation of Disturbances Variance on the Efficiency Properties of a Ridge Estimator.