
Please also refer to my CV on the "About Me" page.


Naito-Liederbach AM & Inoue-Murayama M. (2023). Current situation of genetic and genomic research of birds of prey in Asia. Research of Wildlife of Kyrgyzstan, Institute of Biology of National Academy of Sciences, Kyrgyzstan, 2023(2).

Naito-Liederbach AM, Sato Y, Nakajima N, Maeda T, Inoue T, Yamazaki T, Ogden R, Inoue-Murayama M. (2021) Genetic diversity of the endangered Japanese golden eagle at neutral and functional loci. Ecological Research, 36:815–829. https://doi.org/10.1111/1440-1703.12246

Inoue S, Onishi E, Naito AM, Fujihara M, Yoshimura H. (2020) Counter-response to the Mammalian Science 60th volume commemorative discussion—a round table discussion by the next generation [in Japanese]. Mammalian Science 60(2), 367-373. https://doi.org/10.11238/mammalianscience.60.367 (in Japanese).

Book chapters

Davletbakov AT, Naito-Liederbach AM, Chaix B, Bayle P, Soma T. (2024). The Golden Eagle in Kyrgyzstan. In J. Bautista & D.H. Ellis (Eds.), The Golden Eagle Around the World. Hancock House, Canada. (in press)

Popular Articles

Naito AM. (2019) Participation in 2019 Marunouchi Kids Jamboree [in Japanese]. Monkey 4(3), 78-79. (Popular article).

Selected Conference Presentations

Naito-Liederbach AM, Sato Y, Miura M, Murayama M [内藤 アンネグレート素, 佐藤 悠, 三浦 匡哉, 村山 美穂].  (2024) ニホンイヌワシにおける主要組織適合性複合体(MHC)遺伝子の多様性と繁殖への影響 [Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) gene diversity and its effects on reproduction in the Japanese golden eagle]. 71st Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Japan, Yokohama, Japan (Oral, 「種の保存法に基づく保護増殖事業対象種の保全ゲノミクス」symposium)

Naito-Liederbach AM & Inoue-Murayama M. (2023). Current situation of genetic and genomic research of birds of prey in Asia. Conservation of mountain ecosystems biodiversity under climate change, 80th anniversary conference of the Institute of Biology, National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic (Oral)

Naito AM, Lee Y, Zemmoto C, Minami T, Suzumura T, Sugiura H [内藤 アンネグレート素, 李 怜柱, 善本 智佳, 南 俊行, 鈴村 崇文, 杉浦 秀樹]. (2022) 屋久島・安房林道における鳥類相の垂直分布  [Altitudinal distributions of birds on Anbo-rindo, Yakushima]. 10th Meeting of the Society of Yakushimaology, Kagoshima (hybrid conference), Japan (Oral)

Naito AM, Nabeshima K, Sato Y, Murayama M [内藤 アンネグレート素, 鍋島 圭, 佐藤 悠, 村山 美穂]. (2022) 絶滅危惧種ニホンイヌワシの主要組織適合複合体(MHC)遺伝子クラスIIのロングリード解析 [Long-read sequencing analysis of the MHC Class II region in the endangered Japanese golden eagle]. The 31rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for DNA Polymorphism Research, Kanazawa, Japan (Poster, in Japanese)

Naito AM, Sato Y, Ogden R, Murayama M. (2022) Major histocompatibility complex genes and age are associated with reproduction of the endangered Japanese Golden Eagle in captivity . 5th European Conservation Genetics Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland (Oral) 

Naito AM, Sato Y, Nakajima N, Yamazaki T, Maeda T, Inoue-Murayama M. (2021) Diversity of MHC genes of endangered Japanese raptors: a preliminary comparison between golden eagles and mountain hawk-eagles. The 16th International Symposium on Primatology and Wildlife Science, virtual conference (Poster) *1st prize poster presentation award

Naito AM, Sato Y, Nakajima N, Yamazaki T, Inoue-Murayama M. (2021). MHC of the Japanese golden eagle: insights into genetic diversity and pair-chemistry. 14th Asian Society of Conservation Medicine / 27th Japanese Society of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 2021 Joint Conference, virtual conference. *Excellence Oral Presentation Award

Naito AM, Sato Y, Maeda T, Inoue T, Nakajima N, Inoue-Murayama M. (2021) Do genes govern pair chemistry: MHC genotypes and their effect on reproduction in the endangered Japanese golden eagle. 68th Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Japan, virtual conference (Oral, bilingual)

Naito AM, Sato Y, Inoue-Murayama M. (2021) Pair chemistry in golden eagles: relationship between MHC genes and breeding success. The 15th International Symposium on Primatology and Wildlife Science, virtual conference (Oral) *1st prize oral presentation award

Naito AM, Sato Y, Inoue-Murayama M. (2020) MHC gene diversity of the endangered Japanese golden eagle: insights into immunity. The 13th International Conference of Asian Society of Conservation Medicine, virtual conference (Poster)

Naito AM, Sato Y, Maeda T, Inoue-Murayama M [内藤 アンネグレート素, 佐藤 悠, 前田 琢, 井上-村山 美穂]. (2019) ニホンイヌワシの主要組織適合遺伝子複合体(MHC)の多型解析 [Analysis of polymorphisms in the MHC region of the Japanese golden eagle]. The 28th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for DNA Polymorphism Research, Kyoto University, Japan (Poster, in Japanese)

Naito AM, Sato Y, Forcina G, Inoue-Murayama M. (2019) Genetic diversity of neutral markers and MHC genes in captive Japanese golden eagles: insights into immunity and mate choice. The 14th International Conference on Environmental Enrichment, Kyoto University, Japan (Poster)

Naito AM, Sato Y, Maeda T, Onuma M, Inoue-Murayama M. (2019) Individual identification and reevaluation of genetic diversity of the endangered Japanese golden eagle using new hypervariable microsatellite markers. 66th Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Japan, Kobe, Japan (Bilingual Poster)

Jana A, Naito AM, Sugiura K, Sadid M, Syafiqah NA, Maeda T, Putri V, Kinoshita Y. (2018) Transition of genetic distribution of Yakushima Macaques. The 9th International Seminar on Biodiversity and Evolution, Kyoto University, Japan (Poster)

Jana A, Naito AM, Sekishita A, Sadid M, Pinto P, Xu S, Kinoshita Y, Ma X. (2018) An examination of vocalizations of Yakushima Sika Deer (Cervus nippon yakushimae). The 9th International Seminar on Biodiversity and Evolution, Kyoto University, Japan (Poster)

Naito AM, Holt PI, Irwin DE, Sato Y. Inoue-Murayama M. (2018) Vocalizations of a new population in an avian ring species and research plan for the conservation genetics of the Japanese golden eagle. 10th International Symposium on Primatology and Wildlife Science, Kyoto University, Japan (Poster) *2nd prize poster presentation award