
Peer-reviewed Publications

Electricity prices and consumers' long-term technology choices: Evidence from heating investments. European Economic Review, Vol 114, May 2019, 19-53.

Working Papers

Promoting Active Transport Through Health Information: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial. With Lassi Ahlvik. FIT Working Paper 16.

Household heterogeneity in valuation of heating energy costs. VATT Working Paper 141. Submitted version together with Enni Ruokamo, available upon request.

Other Publications

The Transport Challenge: A Nordic Perspective. With Kimmo Palanne. The Energy Forum, First Quarter 2022. (IAEE)

Sähköautoilun edistämisen ohjauskeinot. Policy Brief of the Finnish Climate Change Panel. With Marita Laukkanen


Ilmastonmuutoksen hillintään tarvitaan hintojen ohjausvaikutusta. With Tuuli Paukkeri. VATT Blog 14.6.2023 (Climate change mitigation requires price signals)

Polttoainevero ei Suomessa kohdistu erityisesti pienituloisiin. With Kimmo Palanne. VATT Blog 20.5.2021 (The fuel tax in Finland is not regressive)

Autojen hankitatuet ovat kallis tapa vähentää liikenteen päästöjä. VATT Blog 19.3.2018 (Car purchase subsidies are an expensive way to reduce transport emissions)