Additional Information and Terms and Conditions


  • All transactions are made through PayPal, Venmo, or Facebook.

  • You may request a full refund until the flat-color stage of a piece. After that a half-refund can be requested until the piece is finished. No refunds will be given after the piece is finished.

  • The commission will not be started until half-payment is completed, the second half of payment will be expected after the first WIP. You can also pay in full before the commission begins.


  • You can use the piece you purchased as a cover photo, avatar, sidebar image, or anything you like.

  • You can print the piece for personal use only.

  • You can NOT resell the piece you purchased or mass-produce it for profit in any way. You must specify if you are commissioning a book cover or any other type of work meant for distribution.

  • I may use any piece in my portfolio or as advertisement for my work on my website or social media.

  • I may sell the piece as prints or merchandise. (Original characters/designs won’t be printed without permission!)

  • Please tag and credit me if you choose to repost your commission on social media.


  • Pieces can take up to a few months to complete. If you have a time related commission, please specify and we can work out the details.

  • I will NOT illustrate content that is NSFW, Furry or similar style, or any political or hate art.

  • I have the right to drop or refuse your commission at any time for any reason. (If payment is completed, you will be refunded in full!)

  • I may post your piece or keep it private at my discretion.

  • All digital commissions are in the form of a digital PNG image file. SAI files can be sent at your request.

  • Do not edit, remove, or otherwise tamper with my signature on the piece.

  • You may request edits after the 1st or 2nd WIP. This may change depending on what style of piece you ordered.