Digital Commissions


Line Work - $5

Includes the basic clean line work of the character, no colors.

Flat Color - $10

Includes the colors of the piece, no shading.

Full Color - $20

Includes the colors and shading of the piece.

Full Paint - $35

Includes colors and shading, leaving out the line work for a more professional look.


Head Shot - $15

Includes the head and shoulders of a character.

Waist-Up - $20

Includes a head shot and the upper body of a character.

Full Body - $30

Includes a waist-up and the hips and legs of a character.


with all additional features contact me about what you are expecting and we will sort out the pricing there.

Characters, Complicated Props Complicated Background, Etc.

i.e. A Full body (30) full color (20) would amount to 50 dollars, without considering any additional features.

If you are interested please contact me BEFORE filling out the commission form preferably over social media! I look forward to working with you.

Please read the Terms and Conditions before filling out form.

Thank You!

Commission Slots