
ATLAS-Agricultural Interoperability and Analysis System

The kick‐off meeting of the Horizon 2020 project ATLAS took place in Fraunhofer Institute on the 16th and 17th of October 2019.

ATLAS objective is the development of an open digital service platform for agricultural applications and to build up a sustainable ecosystem for innovative data‐driven agriculture.

The ATLAS project will run for 36 months until September 2022 and involves 30 partners from Germany, Switzerland, Greece, Italy, Romania, Spain and Latvia.

Read the kick-off PRESS RELEASE for further information.

Progetto E-SHELF

Studio, progettazione, realizzazione e sperimentazione di una soluzione a supporto di un modello logistico eco-sostenibile per la distribuzione dei prodotti freschi e freschissimi acquistati online attraverso una applicazione e-commerce che fa capo ad una rete di punti vendita alimentari di prossimità.


Roma 18-20 Ottobre 2019

I-RIM Istituto di Robotica e Macchine Intelligenti

View our pitch video on "Advanced Perception Systems for Intelligent Agricultural Vehicles"