News & Analysis

"Security fears driving hostility towards refugees in Turkey" - LSE research blog.

"Most Turks support the Syrian invasion. Here's why" (with T. Sinmazdemir and T. Zeitzoff) - October 25, 2019 - The Washington Post / The Monkey Cage

"Will a U.S.-Mexico border wall reduce crime? Here's what we know from Israel's West Bank" (with G. Grossman and A. Wright) - October 9, 2019 - The Washington Post / The Monkey Cage

"Refugee messaging and host society attitudes in Turkey" (with T. Sinmazdemir and T. Zeitzoff) - February 15, 2018 - EGAP Brief 47

"Divide and conquer - The long-term effects of terrorism" (with T. Zeitzoff) - November 23, 2015 - Political Violence @ a Glance

"Rockets and bombs make Israelis and Palestinians less willing to compromise" (with T. Zeitzoff) - July 16, 2014 - The Washington Post / The Monkey Cage

Book Reviews

Review of Visas and Walls: Border Security in the Age of Terrorism by Nazli Avdan. Perspectives on Politics 2020, 18(2):685-686.