
Courses at University of Manchester

Symmetries in Geometry and Nature,  Summer 2023

Mathematical Foundations and Analysis, Winter 2022

Algebra and Calculus for Foundation Year I, II, Summer 2022, Winter 2021, Summer 2020 (partly online)

Series and Sequences, Summer 2022

Hyperbolic Geometry, Winter 2021

Foundations of Pure Maths, Winter 2021

Mathematical Workshop, Winter 2021, Winter 2020 (online), Winter 2019

Linear Algebra A, B, Summer 2020 (partly online), Summer 2021 (online)

Commutative Algebra, personal tutor, Summer 2022


Volunteering as tutor for the annual logic workshop 07/2019

Introduction to Logic, Summer 2019


06-09 2020 Mentor for high school students at Problem Solving Matters, 06-09 2020 (online)

Exchange teacher for English at a secondary school in Njombe Region, Tanzania, 07/2013

Summer camp teacher for English for ages 8-12 in Arad, Romania, 06/2013