
Pratiti: @ IITM Convocation 2023 

Receiving the PhD degree for her work 'One the interaction of honorification, copula and definiteness: a variationist approach.' The convocation was presided over by Dr. Paul Appasamy (former Director of Madras Institute of Development Studies and Madras School of Economics) at the Computer Science seminar hall

Anindita Sahoo's India Institute Fellowship

Anindita Sahoo visited the University of Birmingham in the Summer of 2023. She collaborates with Prof. Dagmar Divjak on a construal study to understand passive voice constructions in Indian languages and the associated cognitive load that it carries when used in isolation in the discourse.


Scherezade : @ 18th International Pragmatics Conference

Presenting 'Code-switching and Code-mixing in Parsi Gujarati: A Structural Analysis in the 18th International Pragmatics Conference 9-14th July 2023 Held at Universite Libre de Bruxelles Brussels, Belgium

Prem Sagar receiving IIE travel grant

Receiving IIE travel grant award for the 4th Cycle from Global Engagement office head from Prof. Raghunathan Rangaswamy. Prem will be working in The ELTE University, Hungary, with this fund, in March 2024 as a visiting research scholar with Prof. Marcel den DIkken.

Roshni: @ "All About Voice" Conference

Presenting 'Investigating Grammatical Voice in Tamil' in the conference 'All About Voice: a Crosslinguistic perspective', April 14-15

Snigdha:  @ "All About Voice" Conference

Presented  'Investigating Grammatical Voice in Tamil' in the conference 'All About Voice: a Crosslinguistic perspective', April 14-15