Group Members

Past Group Members


Utsav Mishra, Roll no. 16223262, January 2017 to March 2024 

[M.Sc. (Tech.) in Applied Geophysics, IIT-ISM Dhanbad, India]

Aurobindo Kumar Basantaray, Roll no. 15223261, December 2015 to May2023 

[M.Sc. in Geophysics, Berhampur University, Odisha, India]

Thesis Title: Integrated geophysical studies to elucidate subsurface configuration of a non-volcanic geothermal system along Mahanadi rift basin,India  (Defended on 17th May 2023) 

Supervisor(s): A. Mandal

Current Position: Postdoctoral researcher, iCRAG – SFI research centre in applied geosciences, School of Earth Sciences, University College Dublin, Ireland (from October 2023); Email: / 

Franck Eitel Kemgang Ghomsi, Reg. no. 07W346, University of Yaounde I, Cameroon; March 2016 to April2021

Thesis Title: Reappraisal of the crustal configuration of African hotspots from global gravity models constrained by seismic studies (Defended on 30th April 2021) 

Supervisor(s): A. Mandal (as external co-supervisor)  

Current Position: Associate Researcher, National Institute of Cartography, Cameroon; Email:


M.S. Students

Project Staffs/Students (not completed degree)
