Mob Psycho 100 Worth to watch?

  • Director: Yuzuru Tachikawa

  • Studio: Bones

  • Genre: Supernatural, Comedy

  • Year Built: 2016

  • Episodes: 12

  • Anime Rating: 10 / 8.5

In Mob Psycho 100, which we all know by name thanks to One Punch Man, events revolve around Shigeo Kageyama, a middle school student with supernatural powers. Just as Saitama has extraordinary physical powers in One Punch Man, Kageyama has extraordinary psychic powers. Kageyama, who was called Mob by his master Reigen because of ordinary, physically mediocre, and unobtrusive, has a unique talent. Although Mob sees Arataka Reigen as his master, Reigen makes him use his powers (supposedly he is so strong that he leaves everything to the Mob to gain experience) against evil spirits for 300 yen. But he does not neglect to advise from time to time. For example, he is never using his talent for humans. Mob has a very calm and passive personality, but he can get angry if his patience is forced. And make sure that when the Mob's nerve counter reaches 100 (100 in Mob Psycho 100 comes from here), even Saitama is in a position to have a hard time. In the anime, we witness the Mob's use of his powers and his interaction with the people around him with other psychic powers.

Also See: Mob Psycho Season 3 Release date

As the creator of One Punch Man, Mob Psycho 100 and One Punch Man are similar in content and illustrations. As I mentioned, Mob has an almost unnoticed appearance just like Saitama, but his psychic powers are unique. It can destroy spirits with one move and fend off their strongest enemies without difficulty. Also, because he is pure, Reigen knows his master and believes in everything he hears. No one is aware of the Mob's powers, except for his brother Ritsu (who has no psychic powers but is socially gifted) and his family.

Although the content is similar to the anime One Punch Man, it is not the same quality. Yes, he has the same absurd comedy, names like Spice City, Salt Middle School, Vinegar Middle School, interesting camera angles, and characters (the creator of the series "that" jaw-dropping curiosity). Still, Mob can't give that electricity we got from Saitama. At least I couldn't get it. The fact that the Mob is still a child and that he is inexperienced in some aspects also affects this. The biggest drawback of the anime in my eyes is that the first few episodes are not sufficient. I can even say that the first two episodes are boring. But as the episodes progressed, the tempo increased like the Mob's nerve coefficient, and after a while, I realized that I started to enjoy watching like in One Punch Man. That is why I only scored half a point lower than One Punch Man. After a while, I felt as if I was watching the psychically powerful version of Saitama and was satisfied with the season finale that left the door open for the second season.

The anime's drawings were very odd at first sight. Again, a different technique similar to One Punch Man was used, but it was exaggerated this time. The characters and locations are more like a caricature, and although Mob's facial expression resembles Saitama, he is more attached to the main anime source than One Punch Man. I cannot call it a plus. Mob is also a webcomic and very different from the conventional manga in terms of drawing. One Punch Man was different as well, but Mob sometimes seemed bad to me rather than different. The scenes containing conflict scenes, the amount of blood used, and a little drama are reflected very successfully. Although the drawings sometimes catch the eye, it also succeeds in conveying what is wanted to be transferred.

I like the anime's opening song "99" very much. I found it quite successful with its rhythm and count towards the face (referring to the anime's name) and listened to it in almost every episode. Of course, when combined with the opening sequence, it was a very entertaining opening. The closing piece is not bad in "Refrain Boy", but it naturally overshadows the opening piece. I have no words to say to the songs that played during the episodes.

Mob Psycho 100 is an entertaining anime that is fun to watch. I'm sure anyone who watches One Punch Man will. The first episodes may sound boring, but it cannot be denied that it gets better as the chapters progress. Besides, it shows its difference with its extraordinary content, just like Saitama and her friends.