Creative TechnolOgY Consultancy
Hi! My name is Matthew Ebisu and I am a user experience designer, programmer and a social robotics researcher exploring the intersection between human connectivity and robot design. My interest combines my love of sociology and interaction theory along with my deep interest in electronics, rapid manufacturing, CAD design and interactive design technology. My experience and research interest has taken me from working inside of Singularity University's Innovation Lab, Savioke Robotics and currently at Tufts University's HRI program.
ROBiTS: Research and Development is an independent technology consultancy for Matthew Ebisu's ongoing social robotics projects. The core mission statement for it is to "foster collaborative working environments between humans and friendly robots" and it is heavily engaged in the user experience, product design and behavioral design for robotic technology. The ROBiTs interest covers the following:
Robotic Design: Exploration into embedded system design solutions, CAD design and full moving mechanisms
Robotic Control: Adapting and developing animation motion control software to create emotive-driven movement.
Robotic Interaction: Expressive robot interaction and behavior for human robot interaction
Open Source Bipedal Humanoid
"Anti-Social" Robot for Introverts
Linear Multi-Phase Monkey Bar Climbing Robot