
Our World: Planet of Lights

The nighttime spectacular; Our World will get a special layover every year for the Festival of Lights. Our World; Planet of Light brings a new show to the Animal Kingdom lagoon offering a chance for guests to enjoy this unique offering. Planet of Light is a dazzling visual display of the lights of the natural world. From the frozen arctic to the deepest depths of the ocean gather for magnificent display of light.

Act 1: Lights of Sky

The opening Act begins with a series of drone lanterns around the lagoon lighting and the score begins to fade in. The lanterns begin to move out into the lagoon as the score continues to build, they form into a circle forming a sun as the music fully enters, introducing a majestic sunrise. This section is a symphony of the lights of the sky; the sunrise transitions to a clear blue sky that moves into a colorful sunset. A star filled night appears as the lanterns return. Over the water.

Act 2: Lights of the Sea

The second act begins with the appearance of the aurora borealis. The soft music, emphasizing strings, portrays the mysterious beauty of the lights found on or in the seas. The fountains and lights dazzle mimicking the bioluminescence of the oceans as we dive deeper towards the dark depths. From the pitch black of the deep oceans the lights of the life, small squid, jellyfish, and anglerfish with create a display of amazing natural lights.

Act 3: Lights of the Land

The show transitions to the next scene as the lanterns reappear creating the scene of a quiet evening as the sound of crickets are joined by the faint score. The trees around the lagoon combine with a mass of small lit drones to create a wall of fireflies that begin to dance and move around the foundations. More join into the ballet of small lights as the music swells building to a grand crescendo of water, light, and music leading into the finale.

Finale: Lights of Our World

The score softens as the finale begins, as a symphony of light and projection returns to the lagoon as a grand score comes in. A collage of the wondrous natural lights of the world appear on the water screens. As the lanterns hover and dance overhead as the score builds to the finale note that finishes off with all fountains going at full strength and the lights shine.