Programming with C++
Programming with C++ : Comp TY(OE-II) Syllabus PCCoE
Unit-1: Introduction of OOPs Concepts
Overview of procedural programming and object-oriented programming, Syntax of variables declaration, Classes and objects, Member functions, memory management. Case Study: Write a program in c++ to create an employee class with appropriate features.
Unit-2: Inheritance
Introduction, benefits, Access specifiers, Types of inheritance - single,multiple, multilevel, hybrid and hierarchical. Case Study: Write a program in c++ to derive class bicycle from class vehicle with appropriate syntax.
Unit-3: Polymorphism
Introduction, Types of polymorphism: function and operator, Virtual functions,Pure virtual functions, Virtual base class, Overloading and overriding. Case study: Write a program in c++ to overload ‘+’ and ‘-’ operator
Unit-4: Exception Handling
Introduction to exception, Benefits of exception handling, try, throw and catch blocks, pre-defined exceptions in c++, Re-throw. Case Study: Write a program in c++ to create a class student with name, age, roll no and telephone number as parameters. Program should throw anexception if telephone_number >10.
Unit-5: File Handling
Classes for file stream operation, Opening and closing a file, File pointers and their manipulation, File operations on binary files – variables, class objects, sequential file organization, Direct access files. Case Study: Write a program in c++ to create a database for airline reservation system using file handling
Unit-6: Templates
Introduction, Function templates, Class template with multiple parameters. Introduction to STL: Introduction of STL components, Sequential container,Algorithms, Iterators. Case Study: Write a program in c++ to create vector template using STLcontainer.