CPPS-II Computer Programming and Problem Solving :  Comp  FY  Syllabus PCCoE

Unit-I User defined Functions in ‘C’:

Need for user defined functions, Definition of function, Return values and their types, function calls, function declaration, Category of functions, No arguments and no return values, Arguments with return values, no arguments but returns a value, function that return multiple values, nesting of functions, recursion. Case Study – Factorial of a number using function. 

Unit-II Pointers in ‘C’:

Declaring a pointer variable, Initialization of pointer variable, accessing a variable through its pointer, Dynamic Memory Allocation, pointer expressions, Pointers and Arrays, Pointer and character strings, Array of Pointers, Pointer as function arguments. Functions returning pointers, pointers to functions, call by reference, passing array as function parameter, passing string as a function parameter, recursive function. 

Unit-III Structure and Union in ‘C’: 

Introduction to structure and enumeration, declaration of structure, initialization, declaration of structure variables and accessing members, structure and function, declaration of union and accessing members, array of structure, structure Pointers, typedef. 

Unit-IV Searching and Sorting Techniques:

Searching Techniques: (Linear search, binary search), Comparisons of searching and their complexities. Sorting Techniques: Types of sorting, Internal and external sorting, General sort Concepts, Sort Order, Stability, Efficiency, Number of Passes. (Insertion sort, selection sort, bubble sort). Comparisons of sorting methods and their complexities.