We don't have any example since it's a specific use case you need, not common requirement. But as @ismcagdas mentioned, you may connect to the server via signalr and send the current progress of the excel file to the client from server. And show a progress bar in client's ui. It is one of the possible solutions.

BEDFORD, Mass., Jan. 19, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Progress (NASDAQ: PRGS), the leading provider of products to develop, deploy and manage high-impact applications, today announced the R1 2022 release of Progress Telerik and Progress Kendo UI, the most powerful .NET and JavaScript UI libraries for app development available. With this release, Progress is continuing its commitment to developer productivity with a variety of new and updated components and framework support to enable developers to bring modern, feature-rich apps to market faster than ever before.

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With the latest Developer Tools release, Progress is delivering powerful new UI components and advanced features for .NET and JavaScript. It continues to lead the market with the largest truly native UI component suites for Blazor, Angular and React. The release also includes REPL Playgrounds for Blazor and ASP.NET Core enabling developers to write, run, save and share code snippets in the browser, and support for .NET 6 and Visual Studio 2022 across all Telerik UI tools. In addition, Progress is simplifying the collaboration between developers and designers by expanding its design kits for Figma with new components, and adding theme improvements to its .NET and JavaScript libraries.

Furthermore, Progress released enhancements and new components for .NET web, mobile and desktop development across its UI libraries, reporting, testing and mocking tools, including Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC, Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core, Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX, Telerik UI for Xamarin, Telerik UI for WPF, Telerik UI for WinForms, Telerik Reporting, Telerik JustMock and Telerik Test Studio Dev Edition.

New in Kendo UI:

With this release, Progress brings more than 25 new components across its Kendo UI JavaScript libraries, theme improvements, support for Angular 13 and now offers the largest native UI libraries for Angular and React.

About Progress

Progress (NASDAQ: PRGS) provides the leading products to develop, deploy and manage high-impact applications. Our comprehensive product stack is designed to make technology teams more productive, and we have a deep commitment to the developer community, both open source and commercial alike. With Progress solutions, organizations can accelerate the creation and delivery of strategic business applications, automate the process by which apps are configured, deployed and scaled, and make critical data and content more accessible and secure -- leading to competitive differentiation and business success. Over 1,700 independent software vendors, 100,000+ enterprise customers, and a three-million-strong developer community rely on Progress to power their applications. Learn about Progress at www.progress.com or +1-800-477-6473.

Progress, Telerik, Ipswitch, Chef, Kemp, Flowmon, MarkLogic, Semaphore and certain product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. Any other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners. See Trademarks for appropriate markings.

Alternatively, as of 16.0.0 you can import the IgxLinearProgressBarComponent as a standalone dependency, or use the IGX_LINEAR_PROGRESS_BAR_DIRECTIVES token to import the component and all of its supporting components and directives.

If the step input value is not defined, the progress update is 1% of the max value. In case you want the progress to be faster, the step value should be greater than (max * 1%), respectfully for slower progress the step should be less than the default progress update.

I need to call a ServiceStack service from an HTML/CSS/Javascript app (leveraging Angular) and POST a Request DTO while uploading a file at the same time (similar to what is achieved by PostFileWithRequest in the C# client). While the upload is busy I need to report back to the UI using a progress bar. Is there an example of this that I can follow somewhere?


Right now Bryntum gantt automatically calculates the progress of histogram based on line item start and end date.I am getting progress data from backend(server), gantt histogram should consider that progress, it shouldn't automatically calculate. Is there any way we can achieve this functionality? Please find the attached image, as you can see blue progress line that i want to bind with backed data.

In order to calculate the upload progress we need to pass the reportProgress and observe options for our HTTP request while setting them to true and event respectively. This way, the HttpClient returns and RxJS observable containing an HttpEvent for each step in the upload request. By setting reportProgress to true this will also include events of type HttpProgressEvent which provide information about the number of uploaded bytes as well as the total number of bytes in the file.

Then we leverage the RxJS operator scan which can accumulate state from each value emitted by an observable. The resulting observable will always emit the latest calculated state. Our upload state should look as follows:

It has a progress property ranging from 0 to 100 and state property that tells us whether the underlying request is pending, currently in progress or done. Our initial state will start out accordingly:

We can use the Observable returned from the service in our component to display a progress bar. Simply assign the upload states to an instance property from inside the subscription callback (or use the AsyncPipe with NgIf):

Often when building an application with visualizations, we reach for a third party library. Many of these libraries are great for display charts and graphs with a rich feature set. Sometimes though we need something lightweight and don't want to pull in another dependency to our Angular app. In this post, we are going to look at creating a progress visualization component and see how easy it is to do this with Angular and SVG.

Out SVG consists of two circles. One circle will be the outer grey while the other will be the progress value that will be updated by Angular. If we look at our SVG, the first thing we do is bind the circumference value to each circle.

The circumference value will be set in the component class. Notice that we can use Angular's property binding syntax [] to set properties and attributes of our SVG.

Looking at the second circle, we bind two style properties, strokeDasharray and strokeDashoffset. Using these style properties, we can calculate the progress value in our component and Angular will automatically update the styles to reflect the changes.

We will first start will our calculations to render the SVG correctly. In our component, we define the following properties, radius, circumference and dashoffset. Radius is a constant value that our SVG circles bind to for their radius attribute. We then calculate the circumference to bind to our second circle's style property strokeDasharray, this creates our circle. We then calculate the strokeDashoffset which is what creates our green fill effect.

To calculate the strokeDashoffset, we create a method called progress(). The progress() method takes in a value 0 - 100 and then computes the

appropriate offset value to set to the dashoffset property. In our constructor, we initialize this value to 0. If we looked at our component, currently we wouldn't see any progress value. We ideally want to be able to pass the progress value into this component so that other components can use it efficiently.

Adding the @Input() value property is not enough. We now need to implement the ngOnChanges life cycle hook. The ngOnChanges will notify us whenever an input property changes, allowing us to efficiently trigger when the progress() method should be called to recalculate our dashoffset.

In celebration of 30 years since the seminal work on OAM [3], in this special issue we collect authoritative reports on the present state-of-the-art in the science and applications of Photonic Angular Momentum.

The special issue includes technical and historical reviews by leaders in the field, touching on the nature of twisted light and its potential as an optical analogy to other physical effects [14], and the extensive use of photonic angular momentum in optical communication [15], including free-space, fiber and underwater. Exotic beams based on photonic angular momentum are reported, including accelerating vectorial beams [16], synthesis of partially coherent beam with controllable twist phase [17], by-design 3D spin and OAM densities [18] and polarization transformations in free-space propagation by metasurface induced frozen waves [19]. Interesting phase and polarization singularity connections continue to be studied, such as angular momentum redirection phase of vector beams in a nonplanar geometry [20]. Developments in the very recently discovered transverse OAM contained within STOV are also reported, including lateral shift and time delay of STOV upon reflection and refraction [21] and tilting the orientation of OAM embedded within STOV using astigmatic mode converter [22]. The toolkit too has developed, including linear tools using digital micro-mirrors [23] as well as a nonlinear toolkit for the creation of quantum states by spontaneous parametric down-conversion [24] and classical angular momentum state conversion in up-conversion [25]. Deep-learning based technique is used to recognize multi-singularity within structured light [26]. Strong efforts in miniaturization of devices exploiting photonic angular momentum are evidenced by reports on the use of reconfigurable terahertz metasurface for structured light [27], metasurface decorated with optical crystal for nonlinear wavefront engineering [28], nanostructured silica optics for modal vortex shaping [29], on-chip optical polarimeter for spin separation [30], photonic integrated chip OAM multiplexer [31] and nanofabricated lithium niobate fork grating [32]. Drives for ultrafast and high-power sources are demonstrated with a high-power thin-disk laser for cylindrical vector modes emission [33] and a megawatt femtosecond optical vortex mode fiber based Mamyshev oscillator [34]. Finally, researchers continue to push the applications of photonic angular momentum in various areas, including fabrication of hexagonal close-packed ring-shaped structures [35], angular velocity measurement based on OAM [36], and communications that are either fiber based [37] or through free space [38]. 152ee80cbc

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