By default an Angular 14 app (built with angular-cli) supports only 20% of the browsers ( reading the relevant documentation, it is not clear to me how to enable support for older browsers too.

This file is supposed to provide "fills" for older browsers.However, from what I've read, here we should append only stuff unrelated to Angular, as anything that is angular-related will be automatically appended by the framework.Is my understanding correct?

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So, casually browsing through the license text for my cars infotainment system I noticed that the front end is written in angular. The car is a Skoda Enyaq, sharing the same system as VW ID and Audi e-tron cars.

I've gone so far as to remove Edge from the list of browsers from visual studio and I've unchecked the "launch browser" options from the webapi project, but that only suppresses the swagger page being loaded in chrome. The webapi console still launches edge, and closing edge exits the webapi.

The webpack-browser executor is very similar to the standard browser builder provided by the Angular Devkit. It allows you to build your Angular application to a build artifact that can be hosted online. There are some key differences:

Web browsers work using a traditional client-server model. A web browser (the client) sends a request for some page to a web host (the server). The server sends back some HTML to the web browser. That HTML includes structured text along with links to other files such as images, CSS, JavaScript, etc. The combination of the HTML, along with these other files, allows the web browser to render a meaningful web page for the user.

And thus the world turns. You click a link, your web browser sends the request to the server, and the server sends back some HTML. Every response back from the server is the full HTML document required to render a web page.

Instead, it contains a handful of placeholder elements, along with some links to JavaScript files. These JavaScript files are the heart and soul of the single-page app. Once loaded, they send back requests to the server to fetch content, and then dynamically update the HTML in the web browser to create a meaningful web page.

Just like a web browser, Google and other web crawlers request the HTML contents for pages on a web site. But instead of rendering it like a web browser would, it analyzes the HTML to semantically understand what the web page is about.

And like most single-page apps, the default HTML included lots of helpful developer information that is intended to be used for trouble-shooting, but never actually displayed in a web browser when things are working properly. Even worse, the template is the same for all URLs on the site, so Google got the same (wrong) interpretation for every page it crawled.

Press F5 or the green arrow to launch the debugger and open a new browser instance. The source code where the breakpoint is set runs on startup before the debugger was attached so we won't hit the breakpoint until we refresh the web page. Refresh the page and you should hit your breakpoint.

React is a library for building user interfaces and it is more minimal than angular. If you'd like to see an example of React working with VS Code, check out the Using React in VS Code tutorial. It will walk you through creating an React application and configuring the launch.json file for the JavaScript debugger.

The community has also created "Extension Packs" which bundle useful extensions together (for example, a linter, debugger, and snippets) into a single download. To see available Angular extension packs, add the "extension packs" category to your filter (angular @category:"extension packs").

Support for any Angular version below 10 was discontinued in version 7 of the SDK. If you need to use Angular 9 or older, try version 6 (@sentry/angular@^6.x) of the SDK. For AngularJS/1.x, use @sentry/browser@^6.x and our AngularJS integration. Note, that these versions of the SDK are no longer maintained or tested.

This component is called ItemComponent, and its selector is app-item. You use a selector just like regular HTML tags by placing it within other templates. When a selector is in a template, the browser renders the template of that component whenever an instance of the selector is encountered. This tutorial guides you through creating two components and using one within the other.

\n This component is called ItemComponent, and its selector is app-item.\n You use a selector just like regular HTML tags by placing it within other templates.\n When a selector is in a template, the browser renders the template of that component whenever an instance of the selector is encountered.\n This tutorial guides you through creating two components and using one within the other.\n

Using your IDE, open or import the ? angularfire-start directory from the cloned repository. This ? angularfire-start directory contains the starting code for the codelab, which will be a fully functional chat web app.

You will find that the featues you've selected in the console were automatically routed in the /angularfire-start/src/app/app.module.ts file. This allows your app to use Firebase features and functionalities. However, to develop in a local environment, you need to connect them to use the Emulator suite.

You'll now add support for browser notifications. The app will notify users when new messages are posted in the chat. Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is a cross-platform messaging solution that lets you reliably deliver messages and notifications at no cost.

When notifications have been enabled on a device or browser, you'll be given a device token. This device token is what you use to send a notification to a particular device or particular browser.

When the user has not yet granted your app permission to show notifications, you won't be given a device token. In this case, you call the requestPermission() method, which will display a browser dialog asking for this permission ( in supported browsers).

As of January 1, 2022, Google no longer updates AngularJS to fix security, browser compatibility, or jQuery issues.[3][4][5] The Angular team recommends upgrading to Angular (v2+) as the best path forward, but they also provided some other options.[6]

AngularJS Material[29][30] was a UI component library that implemented Material Design in AngularJS.[31] The library provided a set of reusable, well-tested, and accessible UI components. In January 2022, the library was closed, as announced on their official website.[32] The AngularJS Material library is a mature and stable product that is ready for production use and works only with AngularJS 1.x. The Angular Material library is available in the angular/material2 GitHub repository.

In July 2012, the Angular team built an extension for the Google Chrome browser called Batarang,[33] that improved the debugging experience for web applications built with Angular. The extension aimed to allow for easy detection of performance bottlenecks and offered a GUI for debugging applications.[34] For a time during late 2014 and early 2015, the extension was not compatible with recent releases (after v1.2.x) of Angular.[35] The last update made to this extension was on April 4, 2017.

I have not checked to find an exhaustive list of affected tags, but basically if the tag starts with "angular-" in it, the hover functionality appears to be broken. I did confirm that they still work fine in Chrome.

This seems to be an issue with adblocking. In my case, the blocking rule was part of EasyPrivacy list, but it also might be part of others. The rule it blocks anything with /tags/angular- in the request URL. I found a website for the list (it also includes related ones), but there is no information why the entry was added.

But no matter which framework the developers choose for their projects, testing them thoroughly under real user conditions is a must, to ensure a seamless end-user experience. Be it React, Angular or Vue, website should be tested for cross browser compatibility and mobile compatibility on a range of mobile and desktop devices and browsers.

Angular comes with implementing Material Design-compliant user interface components as part of the @angular/material package. One of the dependencies of @angular/material is the Component Development Kit, or the CDK. The CDK provides primitives, such as a11y utilities, drag and drop, and overlay. We distribute the CDK in the @angular/cdk package.

This command asks you to pick a theme, if you want to use the global material typography styles, and if you want to set up the browser animations for Angular Material. Pick "Indigo/Pink" to get the same result as in this codelab, and answer with "Yes" to the last two questions.

In the template above we're using the mat-card component from @angular/material, but we haven't imported its corresponding module in the app. To fix the error from above, we need to import the MatCardModule in AppModule:

In this section we'll integrate our project with Firebase! The Firebase team offers the package @angular/fire, which provides integration between the two technologies. To add Firebase support to your app open your workspace's root directory and run:

You created a user interface with three columns representing the status of different tasks. Using the Angular CDK, you implemented drag and drop of tasks across the columns. Then, using Angular material, you built a form for creating new tasks and editing existing ones. Next, you learned how to use @angular/fire and moved all the application state to Firestore. Finally, you deployed your application to Firebase Hosting.

The webpack plugin that our engineers created hooks into the PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_DEV_TOOLING stage and populates the x_google_ignoreList field in the source maps for the final assets that webpack generates and the browser loads.

has this been solved yet? I am using angular 9 and sometimes I am required to login more than once. The problem seems to be solved when I set initialNavigation: false in the routing module: imports:

[RouterModule.forRoot(routes, {initialNavigation: false})] e24fc04721

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