Hi! I am Angli Xue, a Postdoc Scientist at the Computational Genomics Laboratory, Garvan-Weizmann Centre for Cellular Genomics (GWCCG), Garvan Institute of Medical Research. I obtained my PhD in 2021 at The University of Queensland working with Prof. Jian Yang in the Program in Complex Trait Genomics (PCTG) group of the Institute for Molecular Bioscience. My PhD was trained in inter-disciplinary fields including statistical genetics, population genomics, and computational biology. I utilized statistical and computational methods to 1) dissect the genetic architecture of human complex traits such as identifying trait-associated loci and estimating trait heritability; 2) integrate multi-omics data to reveal putative gene regulatory mechanisms; 3) co-developed a software package to better evaluate the causal relationship between modifiable risk factors and human complex traits. Before coming to Australia, I completed the BSc at Zhejiang University in 2015 studying QTL mapping on crops and model organisms.

My current research is focused on identifying the genetic control of gene expression at the single-cell level under the supervision of Prof. Joseph Powell. To achieve this goal, I am developing novel statistical methods for single-cell eQTL mapping and applying them to the OneK1K cohort which contains gene expression profiles of ~1000 PBMCs (peripheral blood mononuclear cells) from ~1000 people.

More details of my research works can be found on my ResearchGate, GitHub, Publons, and Google scholar.

Updated: 25-JUN-2022