"I stopped believing in God that day. My parents would say 'oh no, He's real!' but I wouldn't believe them. Then one day I looked up into the sky and saw something I had never seen before. It was a blimp. My mother told me that it was God. She thought if I 'saw' Him... my mother knew that I'd figure out that He wasn't a blimp, so she told me that God had men make the blimp to remind people that He was watching. Because that's all that blimps do, is they look down. And still, to this day, I wonder a little..." ~ Ally McBeal

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Angels & Blimps is simply about kindness. About spreading good deeds and kind acts throughout our communities. We are funded by the generosity of others. One project we are most proud of is the #JimmyHat effort; handmade hats to share with the homeless, with cancer survivors and others in need of warmth. Another is our Annual Bay Area Toy Drive, started in 1996! In 2020, we've also donated food and personal hygiene products when we can to our local crisis and senior centers. It's all about making a difference, one deed at a time.