
Research interests

My research activity focuses on the theoretical description of quantum many-body effects in low-dimensional systems, including molecules and nanostructured materials, with a two-fold aim to (i) understand the electronic behavior in correlated systems, and (ii) propose novel paradigms for technological applications.

To this end, the ability to tackle many-body effects within an ab-initio framework (e.g., density functional theory) allows for quantitative predictions for physical processes in nanoelectronic devices embedded in a realistic chemical environment, and a direct comparison to experimental evidence. At the same time, the possibility of reducing a complex system to a simpler (yet non-trivial) theoretical model represents a complementary path toward unveiling the microscopic mechanisms behind fundamental physical phenomena. 

Due to its intrinsic multi-disciplinary character, my research naturally spans and entwines concepts from physics, material science, and chemistry, and relies on a wide range of analytical and numerical techniques. 

Research Topics

My research can be roughly synthesized as follows. See each topic's page for details:

Diagrammatic methods

Many-body effects
from bulk to nanoscale

Molecular Electronics

Out-of-equilibrium Dynamics